Language iso-tag and directory name

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Language iso-tag and directory name

Post by Crizzo »

Hi everyone,

with the release of phpBB 3.1.10 and the validation process of new language packs, a existing mistake in the language packs came to our mind.

Regarding to our coding guidelines for phpBB 3.2 I want to highlight one point, which was misunderstoond in some language packs in the last version and not noticed in the validation process.

Build a language tag involves sometimes subtags, which decribes this language pack. It looks like:

This leads to a language tag for e.g. "German (Formal Honorifics)":
This is the tag, which should be used in the array:

Code: Select all

'USER_LANG'			=> 'de-x-sie',
in \language\de_x_sie\common.php

As you can easily see the directory name uses _ instead of -.

That is where the Normalisation of language tags for phpBB comes in place.

In the guidelines is written:
For phpBB, the language tags are not used in their raw form and instead converted to all lower-case and have the hyphen - replaced with an underscore _ where appropriate, with some examples below
You'll find the example in the coding guidelines.

So please follow these examples, when you create language packs and upload them to the Customisation Database.

In common.php 'USER_LANG' with - and the directory name with _.

Best regards
My extensions for phpBB: CDB
German phpBB Support at

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