[Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

For style authors to post and receive feedback on 3.1.x styles still in development. Any development styles you wish to use on your live board should be installed with caution!
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Big Monstro
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[Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

Post by Big Monstro »

Hello everyone,

I am a newly registered user on phpBB.com :).

I am here to introduce my atypical style for phpBB 3.1.10 (fully compatible with phpBB 3.1.9 too).

Its current name is Legacy (please note it's not related to the - discontinued? - Abhishek Srivastava's style for phpBB 3.0.x, it's a completely different project based on subSilver2 instead of proSilver).

Being myself a board administrator, I've originally created that style for an unique website: in the beginning, I just wanted to edit the default board style in the aim of lowering the browser requirements (significantly higher since phpBB 3.1). After all, that website talks about Retro Computing, so it would have been interesting to get a better compatibility on legacy systems (therefore the style name).

Eventually, the project evolved to become more ambitious: a lighter and more advanced style, not just a style for ancient computers. I also fixed several bugs existing on both proSilver and subSilver2. That's why I decided to release my style here. I've worked on it for several months.

List of main changes
  • Fix the incorrect page number inside <title> HTML tag, on forums with a not default "Topics per page" value. That bug applies to both proSilver and subSilver2 on any browser!
  • Fix the addquote JavaScript function bug on Opera 12.1x (the last iterations with Presto engine).
  • Fix the contact profile fields bug (the links for Google+, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, YouTube actually never appear in memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile on subSilver2, regardless your profile settings).
  • The date format (in the UCP board preferences) can be changed even with JavaScript disabled.
  • The "Poll:" mention is always absent in search results with subSilver2. Fix that anomaly.
  • Better support of older browsers (in essence, the same requirements than phpBB 2.0/3.0).
  • core.js and jQuery are not loaded at all, making the style dawn fast (that perhaps reduces the extension compatibility, but subSilver2-based styles don't support a lot of them since phpBB 3.1, anyway), all dependencies are removed (the style is shipped with its own editor.js file).
  • Some proSilver features were added on that subSilver2-based style: the ability to select all the [code] content, the ability to search all user's posts directly from the memberlist and the mini-profile on the topic screen, unread forums' and topics' icons are now clickable, unread subforums icons, the administrator can display the "last active" or custom profiles columns on memberlist.
  • It becomes more easier to make ASCII art with the [code] tag (no need to add a custom BBcode tag)

Legacy style, with the default color palette (deliberately an old-school design ;))
If you don't like it, you can easily change the color palette by editing stylesheet.css :idea:
Download links

Additional notes

Legacy 1.2.0 is actually designed for phpBB 3.2.0, but it should be usable on phpBB 3.1.10 too...

Any comment would be appreciated :D
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Last edited by Big Monstro on Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Name: Jim Mossing Holsteyn

Re: [Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

Post by JimA »

Hi, welcome to phpBB.com!

Thanks for creating a style and sharing it with the community.

However, for the safety of the community we prefer to only have direct download links to styles instead of to websites that require multiple clicks and have a lot of shady advertisements. Therefore I've removed your download links from the post. Feel free to edit your post with direct download links or using the attachments system to upload the styles to phpBB.com as an attachment to your post. :)
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Former Community Team Leader
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Big Monstro
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Re: [Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

Post by Big Monstro »

I uploaded the files to the phpBB.com server (as attachments) :wink:
Big Monstro
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Re: [Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

Post by Big Monstro »

Here is the v1.1 of my style. There are many changes and improvements since the initial release:
  • A more proSilver-like design, with the addition of quick links and search bar at the header, custom contact fields and topic tools on the topics' pages, several links at the footer's breadcrumbs, etc.
  • JavaScript forum functions are now located in a forum_fn.js file instead of overall_header.html, making possible to use them when simple_header.html is loaded (e.g. popup context).
  • The JS and HTML code related to pagination (pagination.html and jumpto function) is rewritten
  • Oddly, I previously forgot to add a transparent background for site_logo.gif. Fixed.
  • Better oriental language support such as Arabic, Japanese,...
  • Numerous minor changes and some bugfixes
I updated the download links and screenshots on the first post :D
Big Monstro
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Re: [Release] Legacy (phpBB 3.1.10)

Post by Big Monstro »

Since the phpBB team dropped the phpBB 3.1 support, there will be no longer updates of Legacy style for phpBB 3.1.10.

I also dropped the early versions for phpBB 3.2. So, any file available here (Legacy 1.2.1 and older) is now discontinued.

The current version of my style (for phpBB 3.2.2+) can be downloaded on its dedicated topic >> viewtopic.php?t=2412071

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