stevemaury wrote:You can use this extension - viewtopic.php?f=536&t=2338681#p14220861 - to create template switches for Guests and NRU and then use the switch to turn off the contact display in viewtopic_body.html.
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_GROUP_5 --> This is only visible for members of the group with id 5 <!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<dd class="profile-contact">
<div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger"><span class="imageset icon_contact" title="{postrow.CONTACT_USER}">{postrow.CONTACT_USER}</span></a>
<div class="dropdown hidden">
<div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div>
<div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons">
<!-- BEGIN contact -->
{% set REMAINDER = % 4 %}
<!-- DEFINE $S_LAST_CELL = ((REMAINDER eq 3) or ( and < 4)) -->
<!-- IF REMAINDER eq 0 -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not S_GROUP_N or IF not S_GROUP_X--> (where N and/or X is the group_id of the group you want to hide it from)
Code: Select all
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF not S_GROUP_1 or IF not S_GROUP_7-->
<!-- ENDIF -->
stevemaury wrote:Well, this is not really an extension support request; it is a template editing request. The extension only creates the switch to put in the template,
Where have you put it and what happens when it doesn't work? Are you purging the cache after edits?
Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:and, this is not necessary since you can just use permissions to do this.
like I said above, the default guest setting does not allow them to see that little contact bubble and if you set the NRU group to never for that permission they can not see it either.