The absence of address bar in we_clearblue style, ver. 1.0.1.

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The absence of address bar in we_clearblue style, ver. 1.0.1.

Post by natalianov »

I have a problem with we_clearblue style (version 1.0.1) downloaded here:
I use forum phpBB 3.0.13-PL1, since that I need this version of we_clearblue.

This version doesn’t have the “address bar” in the top panel .
I suppose that this bar was deleted from the top panel by mistake, because the demo version of other we_clearblue style has this bar in forums:
This bar is shown on a screenshot here:

I put here the file which should be improved from we_clearblue style, version 1.0.1: overall_header.html
You can download it by this link: ... sp=sharing

(this file with small custom modification, i.e. it is a bit changed from the originial file)

I suppose that in this file I need to put something like this (this code was taken from the overall_footer.html and makes the address bar on the bottom panel):

Code: Select all

<p class="breadcrumbs">{L_JUMP_TO}: <a href="{U_INDEX}" title="{SITENAME}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a> <!-- BEGIN navlinks --> &rsaquo; <a href="{navlinks.U_VIEW_FORUM}" title="{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}">{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- END navlinks --></p>
But I can’t write this part of code correctly in the overall_header.html.

Could somebody help and write this part of code in this file?

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