Ivgoneridng wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:07 pm
Good point.

It looks like i can get php 5.1 for mamp v4 so might not need to install different versions (fingers crossed).
Should I be able to just copy my live files into the folder structure and populate the db tables and expect everything to work? I have various MODS in my ver2 forum that I don't want to have to reinstall.
First: requirements for PHPBB2:
PHP (3.0.9 and above or preferably 4.x running as a module) with support for the database you intend to use above
As I said before, I doubt phpbb2 will run with PHP 5 (various stuff is deprecated by now). BUT you can try and even if you can't start the phpBB2 forum, you may be able to start the update to 3.0 (3 works with PHP 5.1)
Next: By upgrading from 2 to 3.0 or higher you will lose the MODS (100% sure). And since you've got a long way to go, I'ld forget about those MODS at this time. Once you've got a 3.1 (or 3.2 running) then you can start thinking about extensions.
Strictly speaking you don't even need the phpBB2 files (except for the config file). Just install the DB, put the phpBB3.0 files in place and run the database update.
Mind you, I'm going by memory here, it's been 10 years since I've opened phpBB2 so I can't guarantee anything (which is why emphasise "Backup"