Upgrading in harmony with prosilver's spaced-out children.

For support and discussion related to templates, themes, and imagesets in phpBB 3.1.
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Sean Moran
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Upgrading in harmony with prosilver's spaced-out children.

Post by Sean Moran »

Hello again everyone. I hope you're having a great week so far. It's Tuesday in everywhere east of Kiribati now and I am very inspired this week to put some extra-special effort into building a really first-class sort of style for the phpBB forum I am keen to finalise mid-October as a 2018 sort of edition, but 3.1.10 is going to be yesterday's news in 2018, and I shall have to move to 3.2.x and with a little luck update the forum the massively-populated humungus database in one session in the ACP. Smooth as.

Except for the wild styles. I am working on one style, and if half as many sheilas join as blokes, then I think it wouldn't be too hard to load up the bg_header, bg_list etc. into GIMP and HSL that one set of backgrounds into 64 fabulous colour combinations and basically clone that one style throughout the forum and make it mood friendy.

The important thing here is that all styles will inherit from prosilver, and prosilver is always in the styles directory.

I am going to use some tables in overall_header, navbar_header, and navbar_footer, because the divs and the ids are like Cyrillic to me, and i have sat here looking at the index page I mucked around with yesterday and have a very clear idea in my mind now, how those tables will work, where the <td>s will go, and it's all nice and simple, 1, 2, 3. All EVENTS catered for. The prosilver style will be there to run back to when the time comes to try the update routine for the first time in my life on New Year's Day.

What though is the likely outcome if I am using a style inheriting from prosilver, but using its own copy of the prosilver template/ and themes/ files, with altered bg_ images, index_body, overall_header, navbar_header, top_five, navbar_footer, & overall_footer as default?

Will the update script likely want to overwrite any of the main templates or images in any custom styles which inherit from prosilver, and would the custom style be likely to limp along okay after the update? Are tables about to be deprecated in HTML6?
Sean Moran
Registered User
Posts: 46
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:49 am

Re: Upgrading in harmony with prosilver's spaced-out children.

Post by Sean Moran »

A picture paints a thousand words and saves the Google translators some overhead.

I notice that there are tables mentioned in the colours.css file, or somewhere like that, so I guess that they are not about to be dumped in a hurry.

It is nice to know that phpBB is very modular in its design. How's this for an index_body.html?

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
<!-- INCLUDE 00-main.html -->
<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
Here is a first draft of the sort of style I like. The navbars seem to work quite well as they are after all that mucking around. :roll:


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