Author: lr94
Extension Description: This extension allows to log all the login attempts (successful and failed) to the board.
A few options are available to exclude some events from the log (for example it's possible to exclude some IP addresses).
The extension is a port of the phpBB 3.0.x MOD "Log connections" by Elglobo.
Extension Version: 2.0.4-beta
Requirements: PhpBB 3.2.0 (it might work on PhpBB 3.1.x as well, but I haven't tested it)
- Log all the login attempts to the board
- Log all the login attempts to the ACP (the log for the successful attempts can be disabled)
- The log can be disabled for administrators and founders (but failed login attempts will be recorded anyway)
- The log can be disabled for a list of IPs
- Since the log can get very big, auto-pruning can be enabled to remove old log entries
Extension Download: ...
GitHub Repository:
(Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request if you want to improve something or if you want to provide a translation)