SalazarAG wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:56 pm
Hi, martec. I was using the editor when I noticed some things. I was posting a story from a site (the link is this: ... didato.htm ) and the copied text has several paragraphs. When I paste the text into the editor, it does not recognize the paragraphs, see:
I noticed that to insert new paragraphs you need to click on the red arrow as shown in the image. But for long texts this takes a lot. I was wondering if there is a way to paste a text and the editor recognizes his paragraphs.
Thank you very much.
this issue probably fixed in new version.
harris1 wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 5:25 pm
Hi, thanks for quick response.
if I choose NO to " Show Rin Editor in quick reply and quick edit " I have the default editor in quick reply to my mobile devices. If is yes I do not have an editor, only a whiteboard with no keyboard enable to writing. (the same thing on full mode editing)
If I uninstall the rin editor I have the default editor and it is working with mobile devices.
hi please try if you can reproduce same issue in my test forum
Demo URL:
Demo Username: test
Demo Password: test123
LuigiMdg wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:52 pm
How to delete this?
done in new version.
kiroma wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:12 pm
hi! i really like the rin editor, but i have 2 doubts:
- i want to remove the youtube button in the editor, i deleted the youtube bbcode but the button still remains there. ¿How can I select what buttons i want to have in the editor?
open rin/editor/styles/all/template/rineditor_config.html
Code: Select all
removePlugins: 'youtube,'+rinautosave+'',
kiroma wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:12 pm
- Emoji size is too big. I found the emojione folder inside the plugin but i change sizes in the css and the emojis keeps in the same size. ¿How to set a custom size or smaller at least?
sorry but i can't reproduce in my test forum
Demo URL:
Demo Username: test
Demo Password: test123
give me steps to reproduce issue in my test forum
kiroma wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:16 am
I think it does not matter, because what i want is to remove the fonts button in rin editor and keep only the font size selector. but, if i delete the word "font"
in the ckeditor.js list, it removes the font-family and font-size buttons, and i just want the font-family button removed. what to do?
open rin/editor/styles/all/template/rineditor_config.html
Code: Select all
removeButtons: 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,BGColor,indent,'+rinrmvbut+'',
Code: Select all
removeButtons: 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,BGColor,indent,Font,'+rinrmvbut+'',
cholo981 wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:57 am
Very nice job with this extension.
Got some questions for those who can answer:
[*]The simple mention extension has a lot of bugs by itself... but here seems like I can't use the mention if the post contains a quote. Right? :/
you can explain better? i don't understand the issue.
cholo981 wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:57 am
[*]Can I hide the smiles panel on the right? Of course, I can edit the style's template but maybe any of you have a fast css hack to hide the panel and fill the width in the page with the editor?[/list]
open rin/editor/styles/all/template/rineditor_config.html
Code: Select all
removeButtons: 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,BGColor,indent,'+rinrmvbut+'',
Code: Select all
removeButtons: 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,BGColor,indent,Emojione,Smiley,'+rinrmvbut+'',
oldk wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:27 am
Are tables supported by default or do you use custom BB-code for tables?
this editor doesn't support tables.
oldk wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:27 am
The new media-embed plugin already parses youtube and other stuff, i deleted the Youtube BB-code, how can i delete the button as well?
open rin/editor/styles/all/template/rineditor_config.html
Code: Select all
removePlugins: 'youtube,'+rinautosave+'',
TassLehoff-fr wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:13 pm
I really like Rin Editor but it lack of littles options.
In the image menu
-Set the size of external images like
-Set an url like the official
CKeditor BBcode exemple
-Add spoiler BBCode
Is there a way to add this ?
Edit: in fact that seem easy to add button but that's not working on my board. An issue have been opened on
custom button only support plain text.