Author: dmzx & Posey
Special thanks to: martin
Extension Description:
The Ultimate Points is an addition to your phpBB3 forum, where people can gain points and also are able to spend points, of course.
Added ACP options to post message in mChat.
Code update.

Fixed ACP clear logs.
Added more info to information screen.
Added Bank name and Lottery name to various templates so name will change also.
Set permissions correct.
More code updates.
Added more options to ACP settings.
Added Font Awesome icons.
Code update.
Code update.
Code update.

Extension Download:
Ultimate Points Extension v1.2.2
- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to `
`. - In the `
` directory of your phpBB board, create a new directory named `dmzx
` (if it does not already exist). - Copy the `
` folder to `/ext/dmzx/
` if done correctly, you'll have the main extension class at
(your forum root)/ext/dmzx/ultimatepoints/composer.json
- Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
- Look for `
Ultimate Points Extension
` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its `Enable
` link.