Hi, thanks for your reply.
kinerity wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm
I have no idea what CRM is. Based on what you describe though, I don't think it will work for you.
CRM is a ticketing software which most customer support teams use. Users raise a support ticket (similar to phpbb users), support team (similar to moderators who handle their own forum) replies and ticket gets closed or escalates to another senior member (similar to senior moderator/group moderator who have access to multiple forums) who will close it.
One support member cannot read tickets allotted to other team members unless permitted similarly one user cannot read other users queries, a team of admins will quality check all these tickets.
I can simply use software specifically made for this purpose but users have to visit outside phpbb forum to raise a ticket also senior members have to separately login there to gain access which is just a double work again the requirement is just a support system and not a full CRM so trying to simply use what phpbb has to achieve the goal.
Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:34 pm
given your example above, the members could simply use the built in Private message system.
Nopes, admins cant monitor Private messages hence cant quality check replies made via Private message system.
I'm just trying to find if a private discussion is possible on phpbb where admin alone can read and monitor topics, yes, Private message system is perfect except it missed moderating and archiving option where users cant delete any message so admins can know if the reply was a productive or an abuse.
This extension
Read other's topics Permission seems to do the job, just want to know if it actually works perfectly by keeping the discussion private for ever.