[CDB] Selective mass emails 1.0.10

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[CDB] Selective mass emails 1.0.10

Post by MarkDHamill »

This extension allows you to send mass emails more selectively.


Currently, you can select a group (including all users) or type a list of names usernames. With this extension, you can further filter emails sent to a group of choice (including all) based on these additional criteria:
  • Inactive users
  • At or fewer than a specified number of posts
  • By one or more ranks you have defined
  • By less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to, greater than or equal to, or greater than a specified number of posts for a user
  • By greater than or equal to, or greater than a specified number of unapproved posts for a user
  • By less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or greater than a specified last visit date
  • ]By less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or greater than a specified user last visit date
  • By less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to, greater than or equal to, or greater than a specified number or higher number of unread private messages
It's important to note that all these additional criteria are ANDed. So the more filters you add, the fewer emails will go out.

It's a pretty simple extension and easy to develop, so I don't expect much in the way of problems. If you have additional suggested criteria I could possibly add it, but it must be a column in the phpbb_users table.

You can download version 1.0.10 of the extension here.

Click here to find the version on GitHub. If retrieved from GitHub, place it in a /ext/phpbbservices/selectivemassemails directory.
Last edited by MarkDHamill on Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:23 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Selective mass emails

Post by NastyBoy »

Look great i will test it the next days
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

Here's a new version, version 1.0.1. See attached screenshot.


As you can see there are a few new features and I've changed the user interface a bit.
  • Fixed a bug -- the option to mail to inactive users only didn't work
  • You can send to users with one or more ranks, if you have any ranks defined. If you don't have any, this option won't appear on the screen.
  • New controls to select less than, less than or equal to, greater than and greater than or equal to a criteria. For posts and private messages, you also have the option to select equal to and not equal to.
  • I integrated a jQueryUI date picker for picking a date for user_lastvisit and user_lastpost_time. These are actually stored as Unix timestamps, so they have to be converted to a Unix timestamps, and the date picker makes this happen in a way that keeps data entry errors from happening.
You can download version 1.0.1 here.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

I don't think any of these possible user filters are desired in this extension, but please let me know if you feel otherwise:
  • Registration date
  • Password change date
  • Birthday
  • Last mark date
  • Email mask (like aol.com)
  • Number of warnings
  • Last warning date
  • Number of login attempts
  • Language
  • Timezone
  • Number of new private messages
  • Last reminded date
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

Version 1.0.2-alpha is released. The screenshot and updated feature list, along with a download link, is on the first post.

There is also a Github archive here.
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by koraldon »

Thanks for this and for your Digest extension.
I wonder if it is possible to somewhat combine them - from my understanding the digests extension is sending a personalized digest to each user.
This is very resource intensive for shared hosting. I wonder if there is some option for "Mass digest" extension, including something like the ten most popular topics from the last "week/month". I would love to see such an extension and donate to it.
Something like this xenforo extension - https://xenforo.com/community/resources ... gest.5628/
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

Digests can send a text digest with all HTML stripped out.

As this new extension gets more mature, it might be useful to have it send a list of popular posts, etc. It's a long way from that. Bear in mind that mass emails send text only, so links if sent will appear as plain text.

The integration with the mass email function is somewhat kludgy. What this amounts to is that there aren't many events I can hook into and those that are available are not terribly useful. I can propose new events, but new events aren't necessarily implemented and they take time. As one example, I can't use an event to change the message after the form is submitted, so I can't say something like "Emails were sent to users x, y and z" and if if due to filters no users are sent email, I can't change the message that says the requested user does not exist when I'd like to say there are no users that match the filter criteria you selected. I'd have to create an entirely new extension to do that, which would be confusing and duplicative. In addition, the mass emailer sends to a selected group (which can be everyone who allows mass emails) or individual usernames that you specify, so basically I can only refine group filters.
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by koraldon »

Thanks for the explanation - if this will be able to automatically send popular topics in the future that will be great.
I understand that it only send plain text, which is a bummer, but gmail and other mail client automatically convert http:// to links IMHO. So it should be okay
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by NastyBoy »

i have downloaded it and test it i give you Feeedback.
Thanks for your Work
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by NastyBoy »

Is it possible to offer a translation in other languages?
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

NastyBoy wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:50 pm Is it possible to offer a translation in other languages?
I'm glad to hear it worked.

If you want to make a language translation, you should copy the /language/en folder for the extension into the appropriate folder for the language, like /language/es for Spanish and make your changes there. Thoroughly test them. If they are current I'll include them in the archive. Be aware that when you make a translation there is an implicit assumption that you will keep it up to date as the extension matures.

I also request that you make them available on GitHub and maintain versions there. You can PM me with the translation when done, or link to it in a post.
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by NastyBoy »

I mean, do you offer any language other than English and Spanish? My page is in German and I would like to have all the settings then in my language
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by MarkDHamill »

I depend on others to provide translations. So no, unless someone steps up. Since the interface is purely for administrators only, often it doesn't matter too much.
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Re: [3.2][ALPHA] Selective mass emails

Post by Holger »

NastyBoy wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:07 am I mean, do you offer any language other than English and Spanish? My page is in German and I would like to have all the settings then in my language
You can easily transalte the content by yourself. Copy the folder language/en/, call it language/de/ and open the files in for example Notepad++. Translate and save. Upload the folder language/de/.

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Version 1.0.3-RC released

Post by MarkDHamill »

This version is essentially unchanged from the last version, except for one minor language string change. Since this is very simple, this is mainly about moving it through the process before submitting it for review. Please test it out and give me feedback. Download is on the first post.
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