Hello, I have followed the subject with great interest. Yes, the mobile browsers come along progressive and understand meanwhile a multiple. As the resolution and size of the monitors from the smartphone to the tablet to the 30" monitor is getting wider and wider, a consistent layout with the choice of font sizes depends on media queries. Media queries are mostly based either on pixels or on em. Modern browsers make no difference between em-based and pixel-based media queries - both zoom correctly and both process media queries.
However, the specification of em for the dimension of layout elements is particularly flexible. If a block is created in em, a CSS rule in the media query is sufficient to enlarge the block proportionally.
Accordingly, I personally asked myself the question which role font-family can we use, take. We are writing the year 2019 (phpBB-3.2.8) and I declared only(!) for some
Code: Select all
html, body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FAFAFA;
Code: Select all
/* font-family stylish
--------------------------------------------------------------- */
h1, h2, h3, h4, .solo,
.pagination li.active span,
.dropdown-extended .header,
.notification_list p.notifications_title,
li.header dt,
li.header dd,
.postbody h3,
.content p,
.attachbox dt,
dl.file dt,
dl.thumbnail dd,
fieldset.polls dd div,
select optgroup option,
.message-box textarea,
a.button1, input.button1, input.button3, a.button2, input.button2,
a.forumtitle, a.topictitle,
.button {
font-family: "Verdana", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Code: Select all
/* Miscellaneous styles
---------------------------------------- */
.copyright {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #000000;
But(!), the question I ask myself personally is:
To what extent must base.css be adapted? To my knowledge, this adaptation, if necessary, is not quite as simple (mobile browser worlds).
Or is the thought unimportant
Many thoughtful greetings