If I understand you correctly, 'that style' means a folder with the style's name - let's just call it 'childstyle'- which contains the files that I changed. In this case it would be the colours, content, and common css files; no changes were made to any of the templates. Along with the .cfg file that makes for 4 files for the 'childstyle' folder. Am I right so far on that?david63 wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:38 pm The easiest way would be to create your dark style as a "child" style of your prosilver and just have the changes in that style.
Code: Select all
# General Information about this style
name = prosilver
copyright = © phpBB Limited, 2007
style_version = 3.2.8
phpbb_version = 3.2.8
# Defining a different template bitfield
# template_bitfield = //g=
# Parent style
# Set value to empty or to this style's name if this style does not have a parent style
parent = prosilver
As far as I know, yes - but I am not a styles person.DV1 wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:15 pm Would the 'childstyle' simply change, "name = prosilver" to "name=childstyle" and nothing else changed?
nope you need to inherit the css files that are not modified from parent style in this case prosilver. You can read on how to do it here https://www.phpbb.com/styles/create/ you have 4 methods to choose fromDV1 wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:15 pm In this case it would be the colours, content, and common css files; no changes were made to any of the templates. Along with the .cfg file that makes for 4 files for the 'childstyle' folder. Am I right so far on that?
Code: Select all
<link href="{ROOT_PATH}styles/prosilver/theme/stylesheet.css?assets_version={T_ASSETS_VERSION}" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{T_THEME_PATH}/custom.css?assets_version={T_ASSETS_VERSION}" rel="stylesheet">
Code: Select all
<link href="{ROOT_PATH}styles/prosilver/theme/links.css?assets_version={T_ASSETS_VERSION}" rel="stylesheet">
Code: Select all
<link href="{T_THEME_PATH}/custom.css?assets_version={T_ASSETS_VERSION}" rel="stylesheet">
Code: Select all
@import url("normalize.css?v=3.3");
@import url("base.css?v=3.3");
@import url("utilities.css?v=3.3");
@import url("common.css?v=3.3");
@import url("links.css?v=3.3");
@import url("content.css?v=3.3");
@import url("buttons.css?v=3.3");
@import url("cp.css?v=3.3");
@import url("forms.css?v=3.3");
@import url("icons.css?v=3.3");
@import url("colours.css?v=3.3");
@import url("responsive.css?v=3.3");
Yes that would be the only template/html files you need in your child style because you only want to change colours not the stuff that is getting displayed. CleanSilver has more template/html file because all those files were edited to make the style look the way it looks. Something added or remove etc f.e the statistics blocks were edited so i needed to make changes index_body.html viewforum_body.html and viewtopic_body.html to make it look like it looks now because those are place where those blocks are being displayed.DV1 wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:04 pm
I think I understand re the css files but I want to be clear on the html-templates which I mentioned in my previous question. By your suggestions I can see that overall_header.html and simple_header.html would be templates to have in the new style folder. Will those two be the only ones I need? This refers back to my question about you having most of the main templates in CleanSilver's folder. Do the templates also have to be imported such as the files you show in the stylesheet.css?
This depends of have many change the original prosilver will get in the new update it can be you can look here viewtopic.php?f=591&t=2428791 to see how many changes were made from 3.2.0 prosilver up to 3.2.8. In your case it gonna be minimal since most of the stuff is gonna be inherited from the parent prosilver style and you only edited like 3 css files. So when new version is release you need to check the topic I mention above to see if any changes have to be applied to those 3css files you edited if not you don't have to do anything with your child styleI guess at the back of all of this I'm wondering just how many changes - and to what - will I have to make to the child style when a new version of phpBB arrives. Thus, I wondered about your html-template folder and if all of those have to be replaced-recoded with new-version updates.
"99%" of the styles in the CDB are child's of prosilver because it easier then making a style from scratch.And as a sidecar-question (to anyone) prompted by all of this, just how much difference is there between making a new style and a 'child' style?
That's what takes all the time