probably in viewforum_body.html
try opening that file in your text editor and just type the word "hello" somewhere on the page.
save the file, upload back to the server and purge the cache to see the change. based on where the word hello appears on the page you can then go back and adjust until you get the word hello right where you want the banner to show up.
now, find the forum ID number of your education forum. ( hover over the forum title and look at the status bar
at the bottom of the page and it will show you the forum ID number ).
now, back in the viewforum_body.html file. find the spot you decided on for the banner and type this:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_FORUM_ID == '5' -->
Your html/css for the banner you want
<!-- ENDIF -->
changing the 5 to whatever your forum ID is.
save the file, upload , purge, check.