I found this solution on another site that might could work:stone23 wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:57 pm Hello,
I can't activate the extension:
Code: Select all
return version_compare($config['version'], '>=3.2.0');
Code: Select all
return phpbb_version_compare($config['version'], '3.2.0', '>=');
I need myself to put the footer between the /tbody and /table of the table myself. Is this correct ?? I cant just put it under it. And the footer works only for 1 row table if you got 1-7 you need to change the number from 1 to 7 by your own. Is this right too ?? And for PBPWOW3 I cant use[/tbody]
[td=textcenter,4]Footer Text[/td]
it looks ugly and I need to do bg1
or br2
to look better.Code: Select all
'FOOTER_TEXT' => 'Tabellen Fußzeile einfügen',
'FOOTER_TITLE' => 'Füge die Fußzeile [tfoot] in einer neuen Zeile nach dem [/thead] Befehl der Kopfzeile ein und passe die Zahl an die Spaltenbreite darin an.',
Insert Footer
Display and FOOTER is not shown like I added inside translation:Code: Select all
<div class="tfooter"><a onclick="document.getElementById('tables-button-selections').style.display = 'none';insert_text('{L_FOOTER}');return false;" title="{L_FOOTER_TITLE}">{L_FOOTER_TEXT}</a></div>
Okay, then I will wait for the fixed versionMiri4ever wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:46 pm There are some translation errors and problems with some styles. I need to fix those ans talk back to Sniper about the changes to be made, thats wjy maybe the download here as removed. But you could maybe lucky on DMZX Page with download, I got mine from there too.
Hello Sniper!Miri4ever wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:46 pm There are some translation errors and problems with some styles. I need to fix those ans talk back to Sniper about the changes to be made, thats wjy maybe the download here as removed. But you could maybe lucky on DMZX Page with download, I got mine from there too.