[3.2][3.3][DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

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Name: Fred Rimbert

Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by ssl »

Thanks for the update.

By clicking on the editor icon you arrive on this page to select an FA icon

Capture d’écran 2021-01-29 à 10.49.13.png

But after selecting an icon it does not appear in the message

Capture d’écran 2021-01-29 à 10.50.30.png
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Sorry for my English ... I do my best! :anger_right:

:point_right_tone3: phpBB: 3.3.13 | PHP: 8.3.9
:point_right_tone4: [Kill spam on phpBB] - [Some French translation of extensions]
"Mistress, Mistress someone is bothering me in pm"
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by martec »

thanks for 1.0.3...

Users of Rin Editor will be happy bacause this version working fine for Rin Editor. :)
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by martec »

ssl wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:51 am Thanks for the update.

By clicking on the editor icon you arrive on this page to select an FA icon

Capture d’écran 2021-01-29 à 10.49.13.png

But after selecting an icon it does not appear in the message

Capture d’écran 2021-01-29 à 10.50.30.png

Edit root\ext\sniper\fontawesome\styles\prosilver\template\fontawesome.html


Code: Select all

opener.insert_text('[fa]{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }}[/fa]', true, true)

Code: Select all

opener.insert_text('[fa]{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }}[/fa]', true, false)
after that, disable and enable this extension.
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Name: Fred Rimbert

Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by ssl »

Thanks martec
Everything'a alright.
Sorry for my English ... I do my best! :anger_right:

:point_right_tone3: phpBB: 3.3.13 | PHP: 8.3.9
:point_right_tone4: [Kill spam on phpBB] - [Some French translation of extensions]
"Mistress, Mistress someone is bothering me in pm"
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Sniper_E »

Thanks martec...!
I made your edit and a couple of other quick edits from martin and the 1.0.3 download on first page is up to date.

Thanks again for everyone's support...
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Miri4ever »

Not sure if I wanted to go back to V1.03. I got finally V1.0 working nice with the Rin Editor and my MChat at the same time. I did long time ago some modifications to V1.01 because all people using simple header instead of full header. Simple header does not adjust board colors and styles. Sometimes it looks the whole system was only developed for one language and color only.

I might do someday because this popup got some options inside ACP and pages to display what I miss in V1.0. Will see if I got time for. First I need to adjust my own mods to work much better and need to learn a few things how Mchat works.
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by timelessbeing »

plugin works great. Thanks.

idea for development:
It would be nice if we could use fa icons in topic/forum titles.
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by dimassamid »


Thanks for the extension!
The latest version of the Font Awesome 4.7 has 786 icons, so I removed the old icons and added new ones to the database. Perhaps it will be useful to someone:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `phpbb_fontawesometable` (`icon_id`, `icon_name`) VALUES
(1, '500px'),
(2, 'address-book'),
(3, 'address-book-o'),
(4, 'address-card'),
(5, 'address-card-o'),
(6, 'adjust'),
(7, 'adn'),
(8, 'align-center'),
(9, 'align-justify'),
(10, 'align-left'),
(11, 'align-right'),
(12, 'amazon'),
(13, 'ambulance'),
(14, 'american-sign-language-interpreting'),
(15, 'anchor'),
(16, 'android'),
(17, 'angellist'),
(18, 'angle-double-down'),
(19, 'angle-double-left'),
(20, 'angle-double-right'),
(21, 'angle-double-up'),
(22, 'angle-down'),
(23, 'angle-left'),
(24, 'angle-right'),
(25, 'angle-up'),
(26, 'apple'),
(27, 'archive'),
(28, 'area-chart'),
(29, 'arrow-circle-down'),
(30, 'arrow-circle-left'),
(31, 'arrow-circle-o-down'),
(32, 'arrow-circle-o-left'),
(33, 'arrow-circle-o-right'),
(34, 'arrow-circle-o-up'),
(35, 'arrow-circle-right'),
(36, 'arrow-circle-up'),
(37, 'arrow-down'),
(38, 'arrow-left'),
(39, 'arrow-right'),
(40, 'arrow-up'),
(41, 'arrows'),
(42, 'arrows-alt'),
(43, 'arrows-h'),
(44, 'arrows-v'),
(45, 'asl-interpreting'),
(46, 'assistive-listening-systems'),
(47, 'asterisk'),
(48, 'at'),
(49, 'audio-description'),
(50, 'automobile'),
(51, 'backward'),
(52, 'balance-scale'),
(53, 'ban'),
(54, 'bandcamp'),
(55, 'bank'),
(56, 'bar-chart'),
(57, 'bar-chart-o'),
(58, 'barcode'),
(59, 'bars'),
(60, 'bath'),
(61, 'bathtub'),
(62, 'battery'),
(63, 'battery-0'),
(64, 'battery-1'),
(65, 'battery-2'),
(66, 'battery-3'),
(67, 'battery-4'),
(68, 'battery-empty'),
(69, 'battery-full'),
(70, 'battery-half'),
(71, 'battery-quarter'),
(72, 'battery-three-quarters'),
(73, 'bed'),
(74, 'beer'),
(75, 'behance'),
(76, 'behance-square'),
(77, 'bell'),
(78, 'bell-o'),
(79, 'bell-slash'),
(80, 'bell-slash-o'),
(81, 'bicycle'),
(82, 'binoculars'),
(83, 'birthday-cake'),
(84, 'bitbucket'),
(85, 'bitbucket-square'),
(86, 'bitcoin'),
(87, 'black-tie'),
(88, 'blind'),
(89, 'bluetooth'),
(90, 'bluetooth-b'),
(91, 'bold'),
(92, 'bolt'),
(93, 'bomb'),
(94, 'book'),
(95, 'bookmark'),
(96, 'bookmark-o'),
(97, 'braille'),
(98, 'briefcase'),
(99, 'btc'),
(100, 'bug'),
(101, 'building'),
(102, 'building-o'),
(103, 'bullhorn'),
(104, 'bullseye'),
(105, 'bus'),
(106, 'buysellads'),
(107, 'cab'),
(108, 'calculator'),
(109, 'calendar'),
(110, 'calendar-check-o'),
(111, 'calendar-minus-o'),
(112, 'calendar-o'),
(113, 'calendar-plus-o'),
(114, 'calendar-times-o'),
(115, 'camera'),
(116, 'camera-retro'),
(117, 'car'),
(118, 'caret-down'),
(119, 'caret-left'),
(120, 'caret-right'),
(121, 'caret-square-o-down'),
(122, 'caret-square-o-left'),
(123, 'caret-square-o-right'),
(124, 'caret-square-o-up'),
(125, 'caret-up'),
(126, 'cart-arrow-down'),
(127, 'cart-plus'),
(128, 'cc'),
(129, 'cc-amex'),
(130, 'cc-diners-club'),
(131, 'cc-discover'),
(132, 'cc-jcb'),
(133, 'cc-mastercard'),
(134, 'cc-paypal'),
(135, 'cc-stripe'),
(136, 'cc-visa'),
(137, 'certificate'),
(138, 'chain'),
(139, 'chain-broken'),
(140, 'check'),
(141, 'check-circle'),
(142, 'check-circle-o'),
(143, 'check-square'),
(144, 'check-square-o'),
(145, 'chevron-circle-down'),
(146, 'chevron-circle-left'),
(147, 'chevron-circle-right'),
(148, 'chevron-circle-up'),
(149, 'chevron-down'),
(150, 'chevron-left'),
(151, 'chevron-right'),
(152, 'chevron-up'),
(153, 'child'),
(154, 'chrome'),
(155, 'circle'),
(156, 'circle-o'),
(157, 'circle-o-notch'),
(158, 'circle-thin'),
(159, 'clipboard'),
(160, 'clock-o'),
(161, 'clone'),
(162, 'close'),
(163, 'cloud'),
(164, 'cloud-download'),
(165, 'cloud-upload'),
(166, 'cny'),
(167, 'code'),
(168, 'code-fork'),
(169, 'codepen'),
(170, 'codiepie'),
(171, 'coffee'),
(172, 'cog'),
(173, 'cogs'),
(174, 'columns'),
(175, 'comment'),
(176, 'comment-o'),
(177, 'commenting'),
(178, 'commenting-o'),
(179, 'comments'),
(180, 'comments-o'),
(181, 'compass'),
(182, 'compress'),
(183, 'connectdevelop'),
(184, 'contao'),
(185, 'copy'),
(186, 'copyright'),
(187, 'creative-commons'),
(188, 'credit-card'),
(189, 'credit-card-alt'),
(190, 'crop'),
(191, 'crosshairs'),
(192, 'css3'),
(193, 'cube'),
(194, 'cubes'),
(195, 'cut'),
(196, 'cutlery'),
(197, 'dashboard'),
(198, 'dashcube'),
(199, 'database'),
(200, 'deaf'),
(201, 'deafness'),
(202, 'dedent'),
(203, 'delicious'),
(204, 'desktop'),
(205, 'deviantart'),
(206, 'diamond'),
(207, 'digg'),
(208, 'dollar'),
(209, 'dot-circle-o'),
(210, 'download'),
(211, 'dribbble'),
(212, 'drivers-license'),
(213, 'drivers-license-o'),
(214, 'dropbox'),
(215, 'drupal'),
(216, 'edge'),
(217, 'edit'),
(218, 'eercast'),
(219, 'eject'),
(220, 'ellipsis-h'),
(221, 'ellipsis-v'),
(222, 'empire'),
(223, 'envelope'),
(224, 'envelope-o'),
(225, 'envelope-square'),
(226, 'envelope-open-o'),
(227, 'envelope-square'),
(228, 'envira'),
(229, 'eraser'),
(230, 'etsy'),
(231, 'eur'),
(232, 'euro'),
(233, 'exchange'),
(234, 'exclamation'),
(235, 'exclamation-circle'),
(236, 'exclamation-triangle'),
(237, 'expand'),
(238, 'expeditedssl'),
(239, 'external-link'),
(240, 'external-link-square'),
(241, 'eye'),
(242, 'eye-slash'),
(243, 'eyedropper'),
(244, 'fa'),
(245, 'facebook'),
(246, 'facebook-f'),
(247, 'facebook-official'),
(248, 'facebook-square'),
(249, 'fast-backward'),
(250, 'fast-forward'),
(251, 'fax'),
(252, 'feed'),
(253, 'female'),
(254, 'fighter-jet'),
(255, 'file'),
(256, 'file-archive-o'),
(257, 'file-audio-o'),
(258, 'file-code-o'),
(259, 'file-excel-o'),
(260, 'file-image-o'),
(261, 'file-movie-o'),
(262, 'file-o'),
(263, 'file-pdf-o'),
(264, 'file-photo-o'),
(265, 'file-picture-o'),
(266, 'file-powerpoint-o'),
(267, 'file-sound-o'),
(268, 'file-text'),
(269, 'file-text-o'),
(270, 'file-video-o'),
(271, 'file-word-o'),
(272, 'file-zip-o'),
(273, 'files-o'),
(274, 'film'),
(275, 'filter'),
(276, 'fire'),
(277, 'fire-extinguisher'),
(278, 'firefox'),
(279, 'first-order'),
(280, 'flag'),
(281, 'flag-checkered'),
(282, 'flag-o'),
(283, 'flash'),
(284, 'flask'),
(285, 'flickr'),
(286, 'floppy-o'),
(287, 'folder'),
(288, 'folder-o'),
(289, 'folder-open'),
(290, 'folder-open-o'),
(291, 'font'),
(292, 'font-awesome'),
(293, 'fonticons'),
(294, 'fort-awesome'),
(295, 'forumbee'),
(296, 'forward'),
(297, 'foursquare'),
(298, 'free-code-camp'),
(299, 'frown-o'),
(300, 'futbol-o'),
(301, 'gamepad'),
(302, 'gavel'),
(303, 'gbp'),
(304, 'ge'),
(305, 'gear'),
(306, 'gears'),
(307, 'genderless'),
(308, 'get-pocket'),
(309, 'gg'),
(310, 'gg-circle'),
(311, 'gift'),
(312, 'git'),
(313, 'git-square'),
(314, 'github'),
(315, 'github-alt'),
(316, 'github-square'),
(317, 'gitlab'),
(318, 'gittip'),
(319, 'glass'),
(320, 'glide'),
(321, 'glide-g'),
(322, 'globe'),
(323, 'google'),
(324, 'google-plus'),
(325, 'google-plus-circle'),
(326, 'google-plus-official'),
(327, 'google-plus-square'),
(328, 'google-wallet'),
(329, 'graduation-cap'),
(330, 'gratipay'),
(331, 'grav'),
(332, 'group'),
(333, 'h-square'),
(334, 'hacker-news'),
(335, 'hand-grab-o'),
(336, 'hand-lizard-o'),
(337, 'hand-o-down'),
(338, 'hand-o-left'),
(339, 'hand-o-right'),
(340, 'hand-o-up'),
(341, 'hand-paper-o'),
(342, 'hand-peace-o'),
(343, 'hand-pointer-o'),
(344, 'hand-rock-o'),
(345, 'hand-scissors-o'),
(346, 'hand-spock-o'),
(347, 'hand-stop-o'),
(348, 'handshake-o'),
(349, 'hard-of-hearing'),
(350, 'hashtag'),
(351, 'hdd-o'),
(352, 'header'),
(353, 'headphones'),
(354, 'heart'),
(355, 'heart-o'),
(356, 'heartbeat'),
(357, 'history'),
(358, 'home'),
(359, 'hospital-o'),
(360, 'hotel'),
(361, 'hourglass'),
(362, 'hourglass-1'),
(363, 'hourglass-2'),
(364, 'hourglass-3'),
(365, 'hourglass-end'),
(366, 'hourglass-half'),
(367, 'hourglass-o'),
(368, 'hourglass-start'),
(369, 'houzz'),
(370, 'html5'),
(371, 'i-cursor'),
(372, 'id-badge'),
(373, 'id-card'),
(374, 'id-card-o'),
(375, 'ils'),
(376, 'image'),
(377, 'imdb'),
(378, 'inbox'),
(379, 'indent'),
(380, 'industry'),
(381, 'info'),
(382, 'info-circle'),
(383, 'inr'),
(384, 'instagram'),
(385, 'institution'),
(386, 'internet-explorer'),
(387, 'intersex'),
(388, 'ioxhost'),
(389, 'italic'),
(390, 'joomla'),
(391, 'jpy'),
(392, 'jsfiddle'),
(393, 'key'),
(394, 'keyboard-o'),
(395, 'krw'),
(396, 'language'),
(397, 'laptop'),
(398, 'lastfm'),
(399, 'lastfm-square'),
(400, 'leaf'),
(401, 'leanpub'),
(402, 'legal'),
(403, 'lemon-o'),
(404, 'level-down'),
(405, 'level-up'),
(406, 'life-bouy'),
(407, 'life-buoy'),
(408, 'life-ring'),
(409, 'life-saver'),
(410, 'lightbulb-o'),
(411, 'line-chart'),
(412, 'link'),
(413, 'linkedin'),
(414, 'linkedin-square'),
(415, 'linode'),
(416, 'linux'),
(417, 'list'),
(418, 'list-alt'),
(419, 'list-ol'),
(420, 'list-ul'),
(421, 'location-arrow'),
(422, 'lock'),
(423, 'long-arrow-down'),
(424, 'long-arrow-left'),
(425, 'long-arrow-right'),
(426, 'long-arrow-up'),
(427, 'low-vision'),
(428, 'magic'),
(429, 'magnet'),
(430, 'mail-forward'),
(431, 'mail-reply'),
(432, 'mail-reply-all'),
(433, 'male'),
(434, 'map'),
(435, 'map-marker'),
(436, 'map-o'),
(437, 'map-pin'),
(438, 'map-signs'),
(439, 'mars'),
(440, 'mars-double'),
(441, 'mars-stroke'),
(442, 'mars-stroke-h'),
(443, 'mars-stroke-v'),
(444, 'maxcdn'),
(445, 'meanpath'),
(446, 'medium'),
(447, 'medkit'),
(448, 'meetup'),
(449, 'meh-o'),
(450, 'mercury'),
(451, 'microchip'),
(452, 'microphone'),
(453, 'microphone-slash'),
(454, 'minus'),
(455, 'minus-circle'),
(456, 'minus-square'),
(457, 'minus-square-o'),
(458, 'mixcloud'),
(459, 'mobile'),
(460, 'mobile-phone'),
(461, 'modx'),
(462, 'money'),
(463, 'moon-o'),
(464, 'mortar-board'),
(465, 'motorcycle'),
(466, 'mouse-pointer'),
(467, 'music'),
(468, 'navicon'),
(469, 'neuter'),
(470, 'newspaper-o'),
(471, 'object-group'),
(472, 'object-ungroup'),
(473, 'odnoklassniki'),
(474, 'odnoklassniki-square'),
(475, 'opencart'),
(476, 'openid'),
(477, 'opera'),
(478, 'optin-monster'),
(479, 'outdent'),
(480, 'pagelines'),
(481, 'paint-brush'),
(482, 'paper-plane'),
(483, 'paper-plane-o'),
(484, 'paperclip'),
(485, 'paragraph'),
(486, 'paste'),
(487, 'pause'),
(488, 'pause-circle'),
(489, 'pause-circle-o'),
(490, 'paw'),
(491, 'paypal'),
(492, 'pencil'),
(493, 'pencil-square'),
(494, 'pencil-square-o'),
(495, 'percent'),
(496, 'phone'),
(497, 'phone-square'),
(498, 'photo'),
(499, 'picture-o'),
(500, 'pie-chart'),
(501, 'pied-piper'),
(502, 'pied-piper-alt'),
(503, 'pied-piper-pp'),
(504, 'pinterest'),
(505, 'pinterest-p'),
(506, 'pinterest-square'),
(507, 'plane'),
(508, 'play'),
(509, 'play-circle'),
(510, 'play-circle-o'),
(511, 'plug'),
(512, 'plus'),
(513, 'plus-circle'),
(514, 'plus-square'),
(515, 'plus-square-o'),
(516, 'podcast'),
(517, 'power-off'),
(518, 'print'),
(519, 'product-hunt'),
(520, 'puzzle-piece'),
(521, 'qq'),
(522, 'qrcode'),
(523, 'question'),
(524, 'question-circle'),
(525, 'question-circle-o'),
(526, 'quora'),
(527, 'quote-left'),
(528, 'quote-right'),
(529, 'ra'),
(530, 'random'),
(531, 'ravelry'),
(532, 'rebel'),
(533, 'recycle'),
(534, 'reddit'),
(535, 'reddit-alien'),
(536, 'reddit-square'),
(537, 'refresh'),
(538, 'registered'),
(539, 'remove'),
(540, 'renren'),
(541, 'reorder'),
(542, 'repeat'),
(543, 'reply'),
(544, 'reply-all'),
(545, 'resistance'),
(546, 'retweet'),
(547, 'rmb'),
(548, 'road'),
(549, 'rocket'),
(550, 'rotate-left'),
(551, 'rotate-right'),
(552, 'rouble'),
(553, 'rss'),
(554, 'rss-square'),
(555, 'rub'),
(556, 'ruble'),
(557, 'rupee'),
(558, 's15'),
(559, 'safari'),
(560, 'save'),
(561, 'scissors'),
(562, 'scribd'),
(563, 'search'),
(564, 'search-minus'),
(565, 'search-plus'),
(566, 'sellsy'),
(567, 'send'),
(568, 'send-o'),
(569, 'server'),
(570, 'share'),
(571, 'share-alt'),
(572, 'share-alt-square'),
(573, 'share-square'),
(574, 'share-square-o'),
(575, 'shekel'),
(576, 'sheqel'),
(577, 'shield'),
(578, 'ship'),
(579, 'shirtsinbulk'),
(580, 'shopping-bag'),
(581, 'shopping-basket'),
(582, 'shopping-cart'),
(583, 'shower'),
(584, 'sign-in'),
(585, 'sign-language'),
(586, 'sign-out'),
(587, 'signal'),
(588, 'signing'),
(589, 'simplybuilt'),
(590, 'sitemap'),
(591, 'skyatlas'),
(592, 'skype'),
(593, 'slack'),
(594, 'sliders'),
(595, 'slideshare'),
(596, 'smile-o'),
(597, 'snapchat'),
(598, 'snapchat-ghost'),
(599, 'snapchat-square'),
(600, 'snowflake-o'),
(601, 'soccer-ball-o'),
(602, 'sort'),
(603, 'sort-alpha-asc'),
(604, 'sort-alpha-desc'),
(605, 'sort-amount-asc'),
(606, 'sort-amount-desc'),
(607, 'sort-asc'),
(608, 'sort-desc'),
(609, 'sort-down'),
(610, 'sort-numeric-asc'),
(611, 'sort-numeric-desc'),
(612, 'sort-up'),
(613, 'soundcloud'),
(614, 'space-shuttle'),
(615, 'spinner'),
(616, 'spoon'),
(617, 'spotify'),
(618, 'square'),
(619, 'square-o'),
(620, 'stack-exchange'),
(621, 'stack-overflow'),
(622, 'star'),
(623, 'star-half'),
(624, 'star-half-empty'),
(625, 'star-half-full'),
(626, 'star-half-o'),
(627, 'star-o'),
(628, 'steam'),
(629, 'steam-square'),
(630, 'step-backward'),
(631, 'step-forward'),
(632, 'stethoscope'),
(633, 'sticky-note'),
(634, 'sticky-note-o'),
(635, 'stop'),
(636, 'stop-circle'),
(637, 'stop-circle-o'),
(638, 'street-view'),
(639, 'strikethrough'),
(640, 'stumbleupon'),
(641, 'stumbleupon-circle'),
(642, 'subscript'),
(643, 'subway'),
(644, 'suitcase'),
(645, 'sun-o'),
(646, 'superpowers'),
(647, 'superscript'),
(648, 'support'),
(649, 'table'),
(650, 'tablet'),
(651, 'tachometer'),
(652, 'tag'),
(653, 'tags'),
(654, 'tasks'),
(655, 'taxi'),
(656, 'telegram'),
(657, 'television'),
(658, 'tencent-weibo'),
(659, 'terminal'),
(660, 'text-height'),
(661, 'text-width'),
(662, 'th'),
(663, 'th-large'),
(664, 'th-list'),
(665, 'themeisle'),
(666, 'thermometer'),
(667, 'thermometer-0'),
(668, 'thermometer-1'),
(669, 'thermometer-2'),
(670, 'thermometer-3'),
(671, 'thermometer-4'),
(672, 'thermometer-empty'),
(673, 'thermometer-full'),
(674, 'thermometer-half'),
(675, 'thermometer-quarter'),
(676, 'thermometer-three-quarters'),
(677, 'thumb-tack'),
(678, 'thumbs-down'),
(679, 'thumbs-o-down'),
(680, 'thumbs-o-up'),
(681, 'thumbs-up'),
(682, 'ticket'),
(683, 'times'),
(684, 'times-circle'),
(685, 'times-circle-o'),
(686, 'times-rectangle'),
(687, 'times-rectangle-o'),
(688, 'tint'),
(689, 'toggle-down'),
(690, 'toggle-left	'),
(691, 'toggle-off'),
(692, 'toggle-on'),
(693, 'toggle-right'),
(694, 'toggle-up'),
(695, 'trademark'),
(696, 'train'),
(697, 'transgender'),
(698, 'transgender-alt'),
(699, 'trash'),
(700, 'trash-o'),
(701, 'tree'),
(702, 'trello'),
(703, 'tripadvisor'),
(704, 'trophy'),
(705, 'truck'),
(706, 'try'),
(707, 'tty'),
(708, 'tumblr'),
(709, 'tumblr-square'),
(710, 'turkish-lira'),
(711, 'tv'),
(712, 'twitch'),
(713, 'twitter'),
(714, 'twitter-square'),
(715, 'umbrella'),
(716, 'underline'),
(717, 'undo'),
(718, 'universal-access'),
(719, 'university'),
(720, 'unlink'),
(721, 'unlock'),
(722, 'unlock-alt'),
(723, 'unsorted'),
(724, 'upload'),
(725, 'usb'),
(726, 'usd'),
(727, 'user'),
(728, 'user-circle'),
(729, 'user-circle-o'),
(730, 'user-md'),
(731, 'user-o'),
(732, 'user-plus'),
(733, 'user-secret'),
(734, 'user-times'),
(735, 'users'),
(736, 'vcard'),
(737, 'vcard-o'),
(738, 'venus'),
(739, 'venus-double'),
(740, 'venus-mars'),
(741, 'viacoin'),
(742, 'viadeo'),
(743, 'viadeo-square'),
(744, 'video-camera'),
(745, 'vimeo'),
(746, 'vimeo-square'),
(747, 'vine'),
(748, 'vk'),
(749, 'volume-control-phone'),
(750, 'volume-down'),
(751, 'volume-off'),
(752, 'volume-up'),
(753, 'warning'),
(754, 'wechat'),
(755, 'weibo'),
(756, 'weixin'),
(757, 'whatsapp'),
(758, 'wheelchair'),
(759, 'wheelchair-alt'),
(760, 'wifi'),
(761, 'wikipedia-w'),
(762, 'window-close'),
(763, 'window-close-o'),
(764, 'window-maximize'),
(765, 'window-minimize'),
(766, 'window-restore'),
(767, 'windows'),
(768, 'won'),
(769, 'wordpress'),
(770, 'wpbeginner'),
(771, 'wpexplorer'),
(772, 'wpforms'),
(773, 'wrench'),
(774, 'xing'),
(775, 'xing-square'),
(776, 'y-combinator'),
(777, 'y-combinator-square'),
(778, 'yahoo'),
(779, 'yc'),
(780, 'yc-square'),
(781, 'yelp'),
(782, 'yen'),
(783, 'yoast'),
(784, 'youtube'),
(785, 'youtube-play'),
(786, 'youtube-square');
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Sniper_E »

Yes dimassamid, that list of yours was very useful. Thank you!
I was able to add 143 more icons to the list. We now have 728 Awesome Icons!
All duplicate icons were removed.

Fontawesome 1.0.4 First post updated

Actually: I found 4 more icons in fa version 1.0.4 that were duplicate icons, so now we are at 724 awesome icons.
Removed: hotel, sign-language, star-half-empty, star-half-full. I'll have to check to see if they have some others we don't have.
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by ssl »

Here is the error message by clicking the FA icon in the messages with 1.0.4 version
php version: 8.0

Code: Select all

Erreur générale
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'phpbbforndssl20.phpbb_fontawesome' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT COUNT(icon_id) AS total_fontawesomes FROM phpbb_fontawesome


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 1023
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 195
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/factory.php
LINE: 345
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/ext/sniper/fontawesome/controller/fontawesome.php
LINE: 105
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\factory->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php
LINE: 151
CALL: sniper\fontawesome\controller\fontawesome->handle_fontawesome()

FILE: [ROOT]/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php
LINE: 68
CALL: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw()

FILE: [ROOT]/app.php
LINE: 35
CALL: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle()
Sorry for my English ... I do my best! :anger_right:

:point_right_tone3: phpBB: 3.3.13 | PHP: 8.3.9
:point_right_tone4: [Kill spam on phpBB] - [Some French translation of extensions]
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by ViolaF »

May bcs. of this? : php version: 8.0.5
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by ssl »

Finally it's ok for me improper handling during update.

French translation for 1.0.4 version
Sorry for my English ... I do my best! :anger_right:

:point_right_tone3: phpBB: 3.3.13 | PHP: 8.3.9
:point_right_tone4: [Kill spam on phpBB] - [Some French translation of extensions]
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Sniper_E »

Thank you ssl, I have your latest 1.0.5 lang file for fr. Good work!

Combining the latest version of Font Awesome 4.7 from dimassamid and our original list,
after taking out all of the duplicated icon images we have 718 awesome icons.

First post updated Fa BBCode 1.0.5
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Miri4ever »

I was running long time this version with the collapse box dropdown and it was nice. It knew I needed to make a change in the past for this popup but I stil ltry again with 1.05 because those icons are bigger and better to read as inside the small collapse box.

But there are still the things from the old version I got fixed there and now all my icons did display under each other but I got it managed to look right but I still can not center them like in your version. So what have I done ?

Code: Select all

{% INCLUDE 'overall_header.html' %}[/code

This popup still calls [c]simple_header[/c] but PHPBB still not managed to do this function right and it always only calls prosilver style. It just ignores differ styles people use. I needed to replace this to [c]overall_heade[/c] for a least got the style done right but then the icons went wrong under each other instead from left to right. I manage to fix this with another DD code inside.

[code]			<div class="fontawesome-icon" align="center"><dd>
				<a onclick="window.close(); opener.insert_text('[fa]{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }}[/fa]', true, false)" title="fa-{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }}" class="button">
					<i class="icon fa-{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }} fa-fw awsome-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
					{% if FONTAWESOME_TEXT %}&nbsp;{{ fontawesome.ICON_NAME }}{% endif %}
Then the icons going from left to right like in your version, but it's impossible for me to got all centered like in your window with this change. You know I using PBWOW Style and maybe some others also using style differ as this ugly white pro silver only and wanted to popup window in their style theme.

Those color settings insde ACP with this rainbox effect giving me a server permission error if I try to do changes, until I complete remove this color code from the input line there. This looks my host don't like with this rainbow effect.

Another thing: I use all fontawesome icons for my headline system I created. I have always the font awesome 4.7 page open for doing a quick search for a specai item I need to get the code. Well why not having somehow a search function inside the popup window like on font awesome page to find some special things you looking for more easy as to check all 718 icons over and over and always overlook the thing you searched for.

I managed now to get my icons ordered and all the same size but I needed to turn off the display texts. If the text is on every thing is just left aligned instead of center or justify style. I may can post some screen if you can't follow me.
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Extension Developments:
PHPBB Games Solitaire, MChat Poker, MChat Black Jack, MChat Cards, MChat Trivia
PHPBB Special Effects, Mousepointers, X-Mas Themes and Designs for PBWoW Style.
Supported work: (**New Updated** UCP Sidebar), Tables, Hide, PBWow3 Style
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Re: [DEV] Font Awesome BBCode

Post by Sniper_E »

I had PBWoW Style installed while setting up another extension. But I can not get to the download, PBWoW 3.3.2 for phpBB 3.3.4
@ Miri4ever PM me your style for testing and I'll make a custom stylesheet for PBWoW

And the popup window has to use the INCLUDE 'simple_header.html' The overall_header.html loads all of your style's stylesheets.
If I had a copy of your style I'm pretty sure I could make your popup look Amazing! :D

And no way on the search, I have too many of the names removed because of duplicate icon images.
I've set my popup into two pages without the names showing and it's easy to look and find any icon I want.

Version 1.0.6 coming soon to a server near you!

This is the popup I get in PBWoW
What's wrong with it?
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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