Change Font Awesome Icon

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Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »


I've given my forum icons a new look, and it's been going really well so far.
But now there is one icon that I would like to change, but I can't.
Probably because it uses FontAwesome 5. And if I understood correctly this is not compatible within phpBB.
However, this should work for me. Is there a way to get this working though?

My edits:

Code: Select all

/* ------- Forum & Topic Icons (Pulsing) ------- */
dl.row-item {
	background-image: none;

.forums .row-item:before, .topics .row-item:before, .pmlist .row-item:before, .cplist .row-item:before {
	font-family: FontAwesome;
	text-align: center;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 0;
	margin-top: -15px;
	margin-left: 9px;
	width: 32px;
	height: 32px;
	line-height: 32px;
	border-radius: 50%;
	background: rgba(0, 89, 179);
	color: #FFF;
	font-size: 16px;

/* Adjustments for weirdly sized icons */
/* Nudge the speech bubble up a few pixels */
.topic_read:before, .topic_read_mine:before, .topic_read_hot:before, .topic_read_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before {
	line-height: 28px !important;

/* External link left and down */
.forum_link:before {
	line-height: 0 !important;
	width: 30px !important;
	height: 15px !important;
	padding: 16px 0 1px 2px;

/* Set the icons */							/* Megaphone */
.global_read:before							{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_locked:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
											/* Megaphone */
.announce_read:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_mine:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
											/* External link */
.forum_link:before							{content: "\f08e";}
											/* Speech Bubble */
.forum_read:before							{content: "\f03a";}
.forum_read_subforum:before					{content: "\f03a";}
.forum_unread:before						{content: "\f03a";}
.forum_unread_subforum:before				{content: "\f03a";}
											/* Pin */
.sticky_read:before							{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_mine:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_locked:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread:before						{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f08d";}
											/* Right arrow */
.topic_moved:before							{content: "\f061";}
											/* Envelope */
.pm_read:before 							{content: "\f2b6";}
.pm_unread:before 							{content: "\f0e0";}
											/* Speech Bubble */
.topic_read:before							{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_mine:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_hot:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_hot_mine:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_hot:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_hot_mine:before				{content: "\f075";}
											/* Padlock */
.forum_read_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.forum_unread_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_read_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f023";}
.topic_unread_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f023";}

/* Unread States */
.global_unread:before, .global_unread_mine:before, .global_unread_locked:before, .global_unread_locked_mine:before, .announce_unread:before, .announce_unread_mine:before, .announce_unread_locked:before, .announce_unread_locked_mine:before, .forum_unread:before, .forum_unread_locked:before, .forum_unread_subforum:before, .sticky_unread:before, .sticky_unread_mine:before, .sticky_unread_locked:before, .sticky_unread_locked_mine:before, .pm_unread:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread_locked:before, .topic_unread_locked_mine:before {
	animation: UnreadPulse 1.4s infinite;
	color: #FFF;
.global_unread:before, .global_unread_mine:before, .global_unread_locked:before, .global_unread_locked_mine:before, .announce_unread:before, .announce_unread_mine:before, .announce_unread_locked:before, .announce_unread_locked_mine:before, .forum_unread:before, .forum_unread_locked:before, .forum_unread_subforum:before, .sticky_unread:before, .sticky_unread_mine:before, .sticky_unread_locked:before, .sticky_unread_locked_mine:before, .pm_unread:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread_locked:before, .topic_unread_locked_mine:before {
	background-color: #d41142 !important;
What still doesn't work
What it should be:

Code: Select all

											/* Speech Bubble */
.forum_read:before							{content: "\f496";}
.forum_read_subforum:before					{content: "\f496";}
.forum_unread:before						{content: "\f496";}
.forum_unread_subforum:before				{content: "\f496";}
{content: "\f496";} = FontAwesome 5
The icon isn't available in FontAwesome 4, so somehow I'll have to get it to work anyway.

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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by david63 »

You will have to load FA5 if you want to use one of those icons
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

I now no longer support any of my extensions but they will start to become available here
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »

david63 wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:02 pm You will have to load FA5 if you want to use one of those icons
And how should I do this? Because that's what I've been looking for all afternoon.
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by david63 »

bennybernaer wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:03 pm how should I do this?
Download the FA5 file and upload it to your board then add it in overall_header.html

Or, preferably, either create a small extension to do it or create a child style - that way you will not need update your files at every update.
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

I now no longer support any of my extensions but they will start to become available here
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »

david63 wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 8:40 pm
bennybernaer wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:03 pm how should I do this?
Download the FA5 file and upload it to your board then add it in overall_header.html

Or, preferably, either create a small extension to do it or create a child style - that way you will not need update your files at every update.
I don't really get it...

Code: Select all

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Code: Select all

.forum_read:before				    { content: "\f496"; color:#ffffff; font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free', 'Font Awesome 5 Brands'; }
Now I've spent hours for such a stupid icon. And those from FA4 work without any problems
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »

Still didn't succeed. And that for a stupid icon
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by pit-PL »

Works fine for me, go to and switch style to prosilver.
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »

And is this all you've done? Because if I take your code from css. Then it still doesn't work

Code: Select all

/* ------- Forum & Topic Icons (Pulsing) ------- */
dl.row-item {
	background-image: none;

.forums .row-item:before, .topics .row-item:before, .pmlist .row-item:before, .cplist .row-item:before {
	font-family: FontAwesome;
	text-align: center;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 0;
	margin-top: -15px;
	margin-left: 9px;
	width: 32px;
	height: 32px;
	line-height: 32px;
	border-radius: 50%;
	background: rgba(0, 89, 179);
	color: #FFF;
	font-size: 16px;

/* Adjustments for weirdly sized icons */
/* Nudge the speech bubble up a few pixels */
.topic_read:before, .topic_read_mine:before, .topic_read_hot:before, .topic_read_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before {
	line-height: 28px !important;

/* External link left and down */
.forum_link:before {
	line-height: 0 !important;
	width: 30px !important;
	height: 15px !important;
	padding: 16px 0 1px 2px;

/* Set the icons */							/* Megaphone */
.global_read:before							{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_locked:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.global_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
											/* Megaphone */
.announce_read:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_mine:before					{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_read_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread:before						{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_mine:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f0a1";}
.announce_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f0a1";}
											/* External link */
.forum_link:before							{content: "\f08e";}
											/* Speech Bubble */
.forum_read:before							{content: "\f496";}
.forum_read_subforum:before					{content: "\f496";}
.forum_unread:before						{content: "\f496";}
.forum_unread_subforum:before				{content: "\f496";}
											/* Pin */
.sticky_read:before							{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_mine:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_locked:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread:before						{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_locked:before				{content: "\f08d";}
.sticky_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f08d";}
											/* Right arrow */
.topic_moved:before							{content: "\f061";}
											/* Envelope */
.pm_read:before 							{content: "\f2b6";}
.pm_unread:before 							{content: "\f0e0";}
											/* Speech Bubble */
.topic_read:before							{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_mine:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_hot:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_read_hot_mine:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread:before						{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_mine:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_hot:before					{content: "\f075";}
.topic_unread_hot_mine:before				{content: "\f075";}
											/* Padlock */
.forum_read_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.forum_unread_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_read_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_read_locked_mine:before				{content: "\f023";}
.topic_unread_locked:before					{content: "\f023";}
.topic_unread_locked_mine:before			{content: "\f023";}

/* Unread States */
.global_unread:before, .global_unread_mine:before, .global_unread_locked:before, .global_unread_locked_mine:before, .announce_unread:before, .announce_unread_mine:before, .announce_unread_locked:before, .announce_unread_locked_mine:before, .forum_unread:before, .forum_unread_locked:before, .forum_unread_subforum:before, .sticky_unread:before, .sticky_unread_mine:before, .sticky_unread_locked:before, .sticky_unread_locked_mine:before, .pm_unread:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread_locked:before, .topic_unread_locked_mine:before {
	animation: UnreadPulse 1.4s infinite;
	color: #FFF;
.global_unread:before, .global_unread_mine:before, .global_unread_locked:before, .global_unread_locked_mine:before, .announce_unread:before, .announce_unread_mine:before, .announce_unread_locked:before, .announce_unread_locked_mine:before, .forum_unread:before, .forum_unread_locked:before, .forum_unread_subforum:before, .sticky_unread:before, .sticky_unread_mine:before, .sticky_unread_locked:before, .sticky_unread_locked_mine:before, .pm_unread:before, .topic_unread:before, .topic_unread_mine:before, .topic_unread_hot:before, .topic_unread_hot_mine:before, .topic_unread_locked:before, .topic_unread_locked_mine:before {
	background-color: #d41142 !important;
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by pit-PL »

Save this site as fa5_kit.js
and add this

Code: Select all

<script src="{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/fa5_kit.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
to overall_footer.html before <script src="{T_JQUERY_LINK}"></script>.

fa5_kit.js goes to ./prosilver/template/

When I try to register on your site (using British English), it gives a blanc page.
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by bennybernaer »

Thank you! It works now. I didn't even know you needed a js.file for it. And the internet doesn't give much info either.

I notice that with some icons the padding is gone, but I replace it with others
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by Hanakin »

I would recomend looking at not using it via css however and possibly switching to as the css uses fonts rather than svgs. plus with iconify you get access to every font library there is!
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by halil16 »

Hi, I'm resurrecting the discussion.

Now I get the point. But what I don't understand is the use of icons. I tried to use the icons in the version used in phpBB3.3 instead of FV5.

I think there is FV4 version. But the icons were not showing. Did I do the usage wrong? Won't it be like /f15c?

Do you also need the dl.row-item {
background-image: none;
code? I think that if I edit directly from the _colours.scss file, it would not be necessary.
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by GTI »

halil16 wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:52 pm But the icons were not showing.
The icons are not showing because Arty's style has a line of code which stops them showing,

So if you are using the code posted at the top of this topic... Try adding !important to each icons content,

.topic_read:before { content: "\f075"; }

Would be:
.topic_read:before { content: "\f075" !important; }
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by halil16 »

How can I integrate the icons used by my WordPress theme that the forum belongs to in phpBB. I struggled a bit, moved the files or something, but I couldn't.

Here is this:

font-awesome file:

>webfonts file

>css file
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Re: Change Font Awesome Icon

Post by halil16 »

Also, is it correct to use the code in the first message? It works fine, no problem.

Also, the topic icons stay on the back. I tried to do it with z-index but it didn't work:

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