I'm building a website using phpBB 3.3.5.
(phpBB is excellent software. Thanks a lot for providing it for use. Also, this support forum is amazing.)
Currently, "Quick links" and "FAQ" appear near the top of many (if not all) web pages in phpBB 3.3.5.
I would like to add more menu items next to "Quick links" and "FAQ" on every web page on which "Quick links" and "FAQ" currently appear in phpBB 3.3.5. Assuming that these menu items are named "A", "B" and "C", I would like to be able to change the order of all the menu items from left to right, so that the order from left to right is something like "A", "B", "C", "Quick links" and "FAQ".
Currently, clicking on "Quick links" results in a drop-down appearing, so that this drop-down displays several items to choose from.
One of the menu items I would like to add is named "About". I would like a drop-down to appear when the user clicks on this menu item named "About", so that this drop-down displays several items to choose from.
I would like each of these items to link to a static web page which is in the normal phpBB format with the normal phpBB header and phpBB footer, except that instead of one or more forums appearing in the middle of the web page, I would like to be able to enter basic text and basic HTML, such as URLs, in the middle of the web page for the users to read when they visit the web page.
If somebody could please point me in the right direction in order to accomplish this, I sure would appreciate it. I have a strong enough background in programming, database development and website design using HTML to have a good chance of being able to follow your instructions and add these menu items and web pages.
Thanks a lot for any assistance you can provide.