... So, i realize doing another extension on fly about phpBB WordPress integration, where i liked to unify all form data into a single var (dbhost, dbuser...)
and configured the extension to store these data into the config table.
The result is an error because the config table is 255 VARCHAR so that it cannot contain values longer than 255.
Unfortunately, i did this Display Only First Post extension using same way for the value of the Custom Content option that append arbitrary text or html to the first post text, that so cannot be longer than 255.
It is intended that the first post should may display an ads for non registered or some long html code not limited to 255 chars.
... So the extension will be soon (asap) updated to switch and use the config_text table instead, that will allow to add arbitrary content not limited to 255 chars
all others options will be moved to the config_text table... may forumsIDS also, and even groupsIDS could be longer than 255 chars, if not using the all option that will affect all forums.
Anyway it is hard to imagine soo many ids, and in the while, it is possible to add arbitrary content just adding/changing it here:
https://github.com/axew3/phpbb-display- ... on.php#L43
and activating the option that append the content to the post, but leaving blank/empty the text field.
The above content will display.