tvm wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:10 pm
Support staff claims the reason for lack of support in the support forums is because of less bugs.
That is partly true but in my opinion there are mainly three areas where support is being requested
- Updating/upgrading. This seems to present the biggest problem area and most of this would be unnecessary if the auto update from the ACP had not been removed from phpBB 3.3 to be deferred to phpBB 4.
- Email. This falls into two areas (a) email configuration which in some cases is to do with host's server configuration and (b) non delivery of email, generally because many phpBB emails are treated as spam - which may, in part, be due to the fact that phpBB is so popular.
- Emulation. There is a growing request for phpBB to be made to emulate other software (such as Facebook or other bb software) and much of this is, in my view, due to the changing behaviour of users. They want simplicity - both as end users and as board Admins.
tvm wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:10 pm
I still dont understand why we still cant have the option of "allow php in template"
As I understand it PHP in templates is not well supported in Twig and because phpBB is moving over to Twig then much of what PHP in templates is used for can be achieved with Twig functionality.
tvm wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:10 pm
I also know that most of the dev's are "up in the age"
Not sure what age has to do with anything!
As for reverting back to MODs that, in my opinion, would be a retrograde step - especially when the "Advanced update" method is now depreciated and is scheduled to be removed. (In my opinion this option should have been removed in phpBB 3.1)
tvm wrote: Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:56 am
Please explain to me why there are so few official extensions?
Simple - there are not enough people to develop them.
Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:04 pm
as far as I know it is still the number one used free bulletin board software on the planet.
Not sure how you arrive at that. Yes phpBB may be the most downloaded, as opposed to used, bb software but how far is that going back? Also many people, myself and I would guess many on here, download open source software to "try it out" and then decide that it is not what they want and uninstall it.