OK here it is:
it would be nice to be able to put the chatgpt API key in the ACP and he, every time a new post is created, duplicates it in all the other selected languages and writes it with the same author name.
someone posts
www.myforum.com/it/come_si_fa.html (i use seo rewrite plugin)
and the forum via chatgpt automatically creates the replicas translated into
with the same name as the author of the first post.
This would have to have an n to n correspondence,
i.e. there is no A native language, an user can write in any language and chatGPT will translate the post into the others
Then from acp you could choose which forums should be automatically translated and which should not.
all forums would become usable worldwide instead of only in the countries with the language in which they are written
What do you think about?