some years ago i run a phpbb2 board
and now i want to reactiavte my old roleplay board with (i hope) most of all old features...
so first of all, before i start do make a new board, and than a new software will be released, and all the time was wasted:
will there be a newer software (phpbb4 or something like this) in the near future? and if yes, will it be possible to just update from phpbb3 to 4? or will it be complete new and i have to do all things again?
Now... i just checked out the extension section and found some nice things here...
but before i will go in deeper, i hope i just can ask, if you maybe know if there are extenstions already existing that i dont found and what i need?
i do a roleplay game board. in which users can create a character and write stories from sight of these characters...
for this i have installed linked accound...i already found that extension (development is dropped...does this mean it is not longer under support?)
the plan is to have ONE master account (the player himself) and than he/she can create multiple "Character" Accounts and easy switch between them to create their posts for these characters...
for that i have made 2 profile cards in the account menu:
first card is the classical profile card... with name, email, signature, hobbies contacts and so on...
but for the characters i made a custom profile card, based on the classical profile card, just with the informations for the characters...
is it possible with the extention system to add a custom page like that without breaking the board? or do i need a extention for this?
the clue behind that: the profile card should only be shown on player accounts: the character card only on character accounts
next: we do explicit texting...so gore, and hardcore (18+) stuff is used to hide in a bbcode that only members with 18+ role can read (no spoiler bbcode, you have to click on) just simple seen for 18+ and unseen for underaged users
is there a existing bbcode or extension to realise this?
next: i have a list of posts made IN roleplay Section and a list of posts made in all other areas of the board... is this possible to seperate again in phpbb3? (i remember, i needed a code for this in the past, and i paid a user to make this for me)
this one is not soo urgent...if not possible i would manage this with group roles to avoid cross postings
and last question (for the moment)
when you hover with mouse over the mainbar here (about/Downloads/Customise/support/development/blog/community/hosting) a menu bubble pops up.
Is this part of the software or a extension? if extension where can i find that to implement it into my board?
so far this are the main questions i have at the moment
i hope i am in the right section here, and hope you can help me to find back into the deep of phpbb xD