It is a stupid question maybe.
I started to code some stupid line time ago to build apps, and i easily deployed a fake test app both for ios and android using Expo Go
It just, when installed into the phone, open my site
Well but this is not the problem. My problem is to understand this:
how it is given, the right margin that your app should have on top, to not hide network icons, telephone charge icon etc?
I expected that after compiled and installed, the app would take correct place inside the screen. Instead cover all the screen.
Yes i can give margin, but how in the correct way? Anybody knows?
A friend of mine, said me that the margin to the top on mobile apps is EVER the same, so you have to consider a congruent num of pixels. But it sound wrong to me. If the viewport is an ios tablet the margin would be the same?
I have lost something along the way?
p.s yes, i like the Expo framework: it let me code apps in react-native or pure javascript, while he compile, and most importantly, make me do live tests, so while coding, you directly see results of changes into your connected phone.
That's an amazing framework, a wheel that i like
Because i have not to take care to know of a piece of the world, that's so complicate maybe. With it, it's easier.