(New) — Can phpBB do this...?

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(New) — Can phpBB do this...?

Post by wpnorg »

If a user subscribes to a board/forum within the BB, I'd like that user to be able to receive an email notification each time a new topic is created...

...but NOT a notification of each post within a topic...

...UNLESS they subscribe to or participate in that topic...

...AND for a user to be able to turn OFF notifications for a topic for which they'd been receiving notifications.


Is that something that is easily possible  based on build-in functionality/features of phpBB?

Many thanks!
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Re: (New) — Can phpBB do this...?

Post by halil16 »


In Settings:

Someone creates a topic in a forum to which you are subscribed
Someone replies to a topic in a forum to which you are subscribed
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Re: (New) — Can phpBB do this...?

Post by Sniper_E »

That's a little vague. Look in User Control Panel / Board preferences / Edit notification option

Each user has the option to set their preferred notification methods for the board.
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