Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

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Mixlight - eStriKe
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Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

Post by Mixlight - eStriKe »

It's just a question since i've tried to upgrade it myself but can't seem to make it work . the latest phpbb has fontawesome 4.7.0 which is almost 7 years old .
Before someone slap me with an already existing topic about this such as viewtopic.php?f=436&t=2471011 and
https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/pull/6026 i saw it was rolled back from fontawesome 5 but don't know the reason why and if this will be fixed in the future
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Re: Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

Post by Sniper_E »

What is the latest free source release of font awesome? I think I heard version 6 is free and out to update our phpBB sites.
But isn't there a couple of extensions you could use with the updated versions? But I know you mean phpBB core files updated. phpBB updating...
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Mixlight - eStriKe
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Re: Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

Post by Mixlight - eStriKe »

Sniper_E wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:00 pm But isn't there a couple of extensions you could use with the updated versions?
I don't know if those extensions exist
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Re: Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

Post by GanstaZ »

There is no point to update it for phpBB core, because next major version will have an icon (iconify) bundle loader.
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Re: Why phpbb still stuck at fontawesome 4.7.0

Post by Sniper_E »

I would drop font awesome for iconify. That has thousands of icons in many categories. That's good to hear.
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