Title/Job Description:
I am Solutions Architect and have recommended using phpbb for a community forum for the organisation I work for. The hosting and configuration of phpbb are all sorted, but we're looking for someone to either create a style for us (based on our UX guidelines) or customise an existing one.
This would be paid work - hope it is ok to ask here for this - please do say if this isn't the correct place.
Target audience: Professionals
Reward: Money, potential CV enhancement
Deadline: April is the absolute but we'd want it into dev much earlier
Preferred contact method: (e.g. PM, e-mail)
Email: [email protected]
Link to the board:
Current board is not customised at all, and we don'tcurrently want it wideluy advertised for commercial reasons, so please contact using the email above.
Detailed description of the tasks:
See job description: more detail defined once there is a response.