brenwa wrote: ↑Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:03 pm
I do not want this displaying on the bottom of the forums
I have searched and found one how to for this but it was from 2008 and did not work
Im finding it impossible to find any other answers because of the massive amount of how to use/manage user permissions posts
Any help would be appreciated
thank you
Assuming you're using prosilver:
viewforum_body.html >>>>>>>>>> backup the original so that you can easily restore it
lines 310 to and including 315
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_IS_POSTABLE and rules|length -->
<div class="stat-block permissions">
<p><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></p>
<!-- ENDIF -->
comment those lines (rather than removing them).
Then clear board and browser cache. (Take note you'll have to redo the edits with each update)
To be honest I wouldn't remove/comment those those lines as they provide a quick overview of what a user can do (assuming you created a testuser for each group).