The only difference between the native option and this option is that this option also includes spaces
For the validation it is not actually a bug because the option does not say it includes spaces (even thought maybe it should) so what i did was i added a new regex to the core files so i can select the new option from the ACP.
approx line 30
after this code
Code: Select all
'LETTER_NUM_PUNCTUATION' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.,\-_]+',
add this code
Code: Select all
/* begin custom mod */
'LETTER_NUM_PUNCTUATION_SPACES' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.,\-_\x20]+',
/* end custom mod */
save and close type_string_common.php
approx line 125
after this code
Code: Select all
'LETTER_NUM_UNDERSCORE' => 'Any letters, numbers and underscores',
add this code
Code: Select all
/* begin custom mod */
'LETTER_NUM_PUNCTUATION_SPACES' => 'Any letters, numbers, comma, dots, underscores, dashes, and spaces beginning with any letter',
/* end custom mod */
save and close profile.php
approx line 225
after this code
Code: Select all
'FIELD_INVALID_VALUE' => 'The field “%s” has an invalid value.',
add this code
Code: Select all
/* begin custom mod */
'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_LETTER_NUM_PUNCTUATION_SPACES' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only letter, number or _,-. characters and spaces are allowed and the first character must be alphabetic.',
/* end custom mod */
save and close ucp.php
all done!
I know that when just editing php files you dont have to clear cache but i do as a habbit whenever i make a change of any kind. So that is up to you.
Now you can select the last option on the drop down and it will store the new regex in the field.
Hope this helps..