I upgraded to 3.3.11 and the board is up and running.
Bottom line, phpBB3 is still corrupted. Ideas anyone?
Exceptions / failures:
1. In the tab General, the menu item Board Settings when clicked gives the extension Header Banner configuration screen not Board Settings configuration. This is exactly the same error prior to the upgrade.
2. In the General tab the menu item Header Banner when clicked gives a general error and fails to display the Header Banner Configuration screen. This is exactly the same error prior to the upgrade. The error text of which can be found in one of my earlier posts.
3. If I disable the extension Header Banner in the Customize tab, Board Settings goes away, as in no longer listed in the General tab. And, Header Banner menu choice goes away as well. These are exactly the same errors prior to the upgrade.
4. The language pack is not British English but American English. I cannot set British English as the default because Board Setting displays the Header Banner configuration screen, not Board Settings configuration. This is exactly the same error prior to the upgrade.
5. I cannot set Board Settings configuration parameters nor view them because, as noted above, Board Settings goes to the Header Banner configuration screen. This is exactly the same error prior to the upgrade.
I'm still testing and exploring as I look for more anomalies.
P.S. As a curious note, after the upgrade when on the board and submitting a post as a test, I got an error message in red text on clicking "Submit": "Your IP address has been blacklisted. You are not allowed to send emails, submit entries,.... go to this link to read about what one may do to change this". What the.... I went to the link*, looked at the information. I called my ISP and they were at a loss. I closed all app. and rebooted my PC, still blacklisted. After some time passed while exploring blacklisting, I opened a private browser window and logged onto the board. I was able to post without issue. I then, opened the browser in normal mode, logged in made a post without issue. Go figure. Haven't had any other issues or blacklist notifications since then.