First of all, I don't know if this reply should go in this topic or it would be better to open a new topic...
After several tests I have seen that the autopurge function works, it eliminates the posts, topics, it eliminates them from the database... but... only if a user accesses the forum who has the autopurge option enabled.
Let me explain, I have configured two subforums with an autopurge option, one of them is in the staff section, it only has access to admins and mods, and I have another one in the general forum, with access to all users.
I realized that the one I have in the staff section was not purged until I entered the subforum, and only those seen on the first page are deleted (if that subforum has 25 pages, for example, they are only deleted those of the page I view).
So I opened another subforum with access for everyone, with the autopurge option, moved two topics there and configured it so that:
Time in days elapsed between one purge and another." 1 day
Number of days the topic will remain without new messages before automatically deleting it." 1 day
Number of days the topic will remain without new visits before automatically deleting it." 0 days.
After moving 2 posts (with the last reply 2 years ago) they were not purged even if I viewed them, after more than 1 day, I logged in with a normal user for testing and, as soon as I logged in, they were purged.
So, is it necessary to visit the auto-purging forums for the posts to be purged?
I thought it was an automatic process, with an internal cron and it would purge them as I configure the auto-purge option.
This is very strange to me...
Or do I have something configured wrong?
PS: Sorry for the long reply and my bad English...
Edit: Edit to correct terminology, but not the body of the message