Support Request Template
What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.3.11
What is your board's URL?
Who do you host your board with? BLuehost
How did you install your board? I used the download package from
What is the most recent action performed on your board? Fresh Install
Is registration required to reproduce this issue? No
Do you have any MODs installed? No
Do you have any extensions installed? Yes
What extensions do you have installed? Board Announcements, Scroll to Top
What styles do you currently have installed? prosilver (3.3.11), prosilver (dark)
What language(s) is your board currently using? BritishEnglish
Which database type/version are you using? MySQL 5
What is your level of experience? New to PHP and phpBB
What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? Nothing recent (last was over a week ago, adjusting the coding for [center] to work properly)
Please describe your problem. The site is failing to load. Prior to contacting my server host (Bluehost), I just got a white screen like the page was failing to load. It worked just fine a few hours earlier and I have made no changes to the site that should have upset anything. I figured maybe there was a server error, so opted to first contact them. Bluehost said they would run a malware scan and have me check back after an hour had passed.
When I checked in, a new agent told me they disabled all of the plugins on my site (without asking first) and it reverted to a blank WordPress, which I don't use. They then told me that I needed to upload a backup of the site. Their phrasing was a bit weird - a lot of their agents don't appear to speak English very well and I think I'm supposed to receive an email eventually telling me how to upload a backup of the site. It hasn't arrived yet despite a respectable amount of time passing. This second agent also ignored the mentions of the malware scan and I was given no results about that before they disconnected from chat.
I'm coming here because Bluehost support always seems to mess things up and fails to address my concerns and you folks have been my saving grace while setting the boards up over a month ago. I don't know where to find backup files or how to upload them. I am a complete beginner with phpBB, web design, etc. borderline computer illiterate, so please don't feel you are ever over-explaining anything. Baby steps will help me big time.