Publish test version of PhpBB

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Publish test version of PhpBB

Post by hiran »

I want to create a virtualbox machine with a working setup of PhpBB.
It shall also contain a copy of my forum installation. This is especially important as the huge virtualbox OVA file will be shared via bittorrent publicly available - unless this is a bad idea.

I do not want to disclose passwords, emails, IP-Addresses etc. So the Phpbb set has been performed with alternative mariadb credentials already.
But what else should I be looking at?

If I go to filter out IP addresses and passwords in the user table would that be it? Is there some salt used when hashing that I probably should remove as well? What other items should I mind? Or is it just a bad idea in itself?
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Re: Publish test version of PhpBB

Post by Brf »

What would be the point of having hundreds of clones of your board all over the internet? To start with, you would be dividing your Google traffic with all of those copies. Whoever picks up your board could post with your username and create false topics. What are you trying to accomplish?
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Re: Publish test version of PhpBB

Post by hiran »

Brf wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 12:47 pm What would be the point of having hundreds of clones of your board all over the internet? To start with, you would be dividing your Google traffic with all of those copies. Whoever picks up your board could post with your username and create false topics. What are you trying to accomplish?
The intent is not to have hundreds of copies but to transfer a rather large file to someone else. I know the channel I choose is public so anyone else knowing the tracker can obtain a copy. So the question is: what is my risk, or what is the other person's potential win?

The board is on the internet anyway, and anyone can have a look at the content. So the postings are nothing much to be stolen anyway.
To prevent that others get usernames and passwords - that's exactly my above question.

And what is that mention of Google traffic? I do not understand at which point Google is getting involved.
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Re: Publish test version of PhpBB

Post by nou nou »

How large is this file?

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