One note. Lucio seems italian name (maybe argentinian?). If you are from UE, I've manage several legal requirements on Spain, and Google CMP is the most simple one to implement if you use AdSense.LucioTS wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:24 pm Yes.
I installed your version, tested it but then the error occurred which I thought depended on Thank's.
I took the screenshot and posted but realised it didn't depend on your plugin and removed it from the post but by then it was too late.
Thanks for everything.
Code: Select all
The provided value for the setting “Number of thanks from the list shown in profile” is too low. The minimum acceptable value is 1
leschek wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:18 pm I was testing this extension and run into this issue:
If I change setting (for example I switch "Informative messages:" to "Yes") in "ACP" → "Thanks Settings" and "Submit" it it shows me this message:
I add to the field value: 10 and submit it again. It looks OK, but when I go back to the settings I can see, that setting "Informative messages:" is switched back to "No" and field "Number of thanks from the list shown in profile" is without value.Code: Select all
Warning The provided value for the setting “Number of thanks from the list shown in profile” is too low. The minimum acceptable value is 1
I tried to disable the extension and delete data, but (after enabling it again) it behaves the same.
I tried it on another board and it again looks like it doesn't remember settings I submit - again the same issue.
I use:
Thanks for posts 4.0.6
phpBB 3.3.11
PHP 8.1.27
mysql (10.6.16-MariaDB-cll-lve) - info from cPanel
Code: Select all
INSERT IGNORE INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value, is_dynamic) VALUES
('thanks_ajax', 1, 0),
('thanks_counters_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_forum_reput_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_global_announce', 1, 0),
('thanks_global_post', 0, 0),
('thanks_info_page', 1, 0),
('thanks_number', 100, 0),
('thanks_number_digits', 2, 0),
('thanks_number_post', 10, 0),
('thanks_number_row_reput', 5, 0),
('thanks_only_first_post', 0, 0),
('thanks_post_reput_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_post_view_guests', 1, 0),
('thanks_post_view_robots', 1, 0),
('thanks_postlist_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_profilelist_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_reput_graphic', 1, 0),
('thanks_symbol_remove', 'fa-recycle', 0),
('thanks_symbol_thanks', 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 0),
('thanks_time_view', 1, 0),
('thanks_top_number', 15, 0),
('thanks_topic_reput_view', 1, 0);
No idea what could have happened.....LucioTS wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:27 pm Hi,
I think I have solved it.
I disabled, deleted the data, removed and then reinstalled the extension.
I then retrieved the db thanks table from a backup.
Everything is working again.
You are correct. I looked into database and it seems I don't have there some rows. If I go one by one the following rows are missing:Naguissa wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:36 am
Seems some configs are missing. I've just installed phpbb and some extensions to do some tests in a NAS and I've faced no problem. But I write here an mySQL to recheck all config values:
Code: Select all
INSERT IGNORE INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value, is_dynamic) VALUES ('thanks_ajax', 1, 0), ('thanks_counters_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_forum_reput_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_global_announce', 1, 0), ('thanks_global_post', 0, 0), ('thanks_info_page', 1, 0), ('thanks_number', 100, 0), ('thanks_number_digits', 2, 0), ('thanks_number_post', 10, 0), ('thanks_number_row_reput', 5, 0), ('thanks_only_first_post', 0, 0), ('thanks_post_reput_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_post_view_guests', 1, 0), ('thanks_post_view_robots', 1, 0), ('thanks_postlist_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_profilelist_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_reput_graphic', 1, 0), ('thanks_symbol_remove', 'fa-recycle', 0), ('thanks_symbol_thanks', 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 0), ('thanks_time_view', 1, 0), ('thanks_top_number', 15, 0), ('thanks_topic_reput_view', 1, 0);
It's a warning on migration, should not affect. Is the extension working properly?alansh wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 11:57 am I just downloaded the latest version from github and tried to enable it from ACP. I got this error:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/db/migrator.php on line 662: Undefined array key 44
Any ideas?
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Duplicate entry 'naguissa/thanksforposts' for key 'ext_name' [1062]
INSERT INTO phpbb_ext (ext_name, ext_active, ext_state) VALUES ('naguissa/thanksforposts', 0, 's:13:\"notifications\";')
FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 1031
CALL: trigger_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 202
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/factory.php
LINE: 353
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/extension/manager.php
LINE: 179
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\factory->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/extension/manager.php
LINE: 241
CALL: phpbb\extension\manager->update_state()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_extensions.php
LINE: 209
CALL: phpbb\extension\manager->enable_step()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 676
CALL: acp_extensions->main()
FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Code: Select all
Duplicate entry 'naguissa/thanksforposts' for key 'ext_name' [1062]
from the *_ext
table. That should fix that issue but you may have other problems depending on at what point the installation stopped.