Any help is very welcome. I've been trying to update my forum from 3.3.10 to 3.3.12 all day, together with my hosting, with no luck.
I keep getting errors, which we have managed to tackle so far. Only this is one that I, even my hosting, don't know what to do with. Can someone PLEASE help?
See the error message below, thanks in advance!
I may have entered the wrong password or ... information, but I do not see any way to change this.
Code: Select all
General Error:SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]MySQL server has gone away [2006]SQLINSERT INTO phpbb_log (user_id, log_ip, log_time, log_operation, log_type, log_data) VALUES ('1', '2001:1c02:2013:ef0:30eb:216:cfdb:274', 1717849022, 'LOG_ERROR_EMAIL', 2, 'a:1:{i:0;s:186:\"EMAIL/SMTP/install/app.php/installCould not get mail server response codes.BacktraceConnecting to\";}') in file /home/u643190560/domains/ on line 1031
I hope someone can help.