I am trying to update phpBB 2 (yes, its very old) to latest version 3.3.12. Convert does not work on MySQL 8 because 'groups' (table name) is reserved word.
I assume the same problem will be raised with any other version 3.x.x on MySQL 8
I am receiving the following error
this query fails{"errors":[{"title":"General Error:SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups\\x0AWHERE (groups.group_single_user = 0)\\x0A LIMIT 2000' at line 2 [1064]SQLSELECT groups.group_id, groups.group_type, groups.group_name, groups.group_description \nFROM groups\nWHERE (groups.group_single_user = 0)\n LIMIT 2000 in file .../phpbb\/db\/driver\/driver.php on line 1031"}],"over":true}
Code: Select all
SELECT groups.group_id, groups.group_type, groups.group_name, groups.group_description FROM groups WHERE (groups.group_single_user = 0) LIMIT 2000
Code: Select all
SELECT groups.group_id, groups.group_type, groups.group_name, groups.group_description FROM 'groups' WHERE (groups.group_single_user = 0) LIMIT 2000
But I am not sure which file should be corrected, tried to understand how it works but failed so far. Its not driver.php file where error is catched