is using the integrated into the core version of this extension.halil16 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:28 am I see.Maybe after trying it on a test board... Hey, has anyone installed this extension on an active board? is using the integrated into the core version of this extension.halil16 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:28 am I see.Maybe after trying it on a test board... Hey, has anyone installed this extension on an active board?
Using it on my online board since 2 days ago: no errors noticed up to nowhalil16 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:28 am Hey, has anyone installed this extension on an active board?
This doesn't seem related to the extension IMHO. When my phone is switched off (most of the time anyway), I don't receive any notice about a call, and funny enough when my mail isn't open, I'm not informed that I've received a mail.halil16 wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:57 am Isn't it very annoying not to receive notifications when the browser or app is not open? Isn't the whole magic lost?
This extension is using browser notifications which is explicitly different to operating system level notifications. If your browser app is not running, you won't get any notifications. If you're expecting a notification on a system level like in the iOS notification centre, this extension won't be able to do that natively as it's the browser application that does the heavy lifting to feed the notification through your device.halil16 wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:57 am Isn't it very annoying not to receive notifications when the browser or app is not open? Isn't the whole magic lost?
Use the Apple Push Notifications Service to send notifications to your website users, right on their Mac desktop — even when Safari isn’t running. Safari Push Notifications work just like push notifications for apps. They display your website icon and notification text, which users can click to go right to your website.
I couldn't test it in person as I don't have access to an iPhone at the moment. But when I asked a user to test it, I got the answer that clicking the subscribe button did not work in web application (PWA). It should have worked.takufner wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:46 am But, on iOS (Chrome and Safari), when I click the subscribe toggle or the enable button in UCP, nothing happens. Not even an error message.
That's because it is disabled. Clicking a disabled button will always do nothing because it's, well, disabled.takufner wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:46 am I tested this extension on a mac (Chrome, Firefox and Safari) and on Android (Chrome) and it works good.
But, on iOS (Chrome and Safari), when I click the subscribe toggle or the enable button in UCP, nothing happens. Not even an error message.
Does someone tested it against iOS and could enable notifications? Is there some configuration on iOS that could be hindering the correct behavior? I am running iOS 17.5.1 and Chrome 126.0.6478.153.
Kind regards,
I found the problem. It's thix ext: viewtopic.php?t=2436091MattF wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:43 pmThere's only 3 conditions under which the button would wouldn't work:SpIdErPiGgY wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:22 am Still can't click or Enable in the notification dropdown..
Firefox Beta app
Screenshot_20240617_022009_Firefox Beta.jpg
1. You're browser has already blocked/denied the site from allowing any notifications (you'll get an alert for this)
2. You're device/browser does not support push notifications (subscribe buttons would be totally disabled)
3. The site is not HTTPS or a localhost (you won't be able to set up push notifications from the ACP)
Based on your photo, the button is not disabled (it'd be more grayed out) which means either your site is denied already, or uyou have some other javascript problems so you should look at your browser's dev tools console if possible.
Could you describe the exact problem to fix?