Greetings all, and thanks in advance for any help received. I've seen others with this issue and worked my way through a few fixes, but I still can't seem to solve this.
Support Request Template
What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.3.13
What is your board's URL?
Who do you host your board with? Empire Hosting
How did you install your board? I installed it myself a very long time ago via FTP.
What is the most recent action performed on your board? Updated from 3.3.12 to 3.3.13
Is registration required to reproduce this issue? No
Do you have any MODs installed? Yes?
Do you have any extensions installed? Yes?
What MODs do you have installed? A basic quick reply hack I think
What extensions do you have installed? I either don't have any, very few, and/or can't remember
What styles do you currently have installed? subsilver, prosilver
What language(s) is your board currently using? English
Which database type/version are you using? MySQL 5.2.1
What is your level of experience? I've been at this a while, but out of practice apparently!
What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? After getting a few emails that people could not login despite going through the password reset process, I decided to update the board. I was able to login to the ACP after updating the DB, and when I logged out, I could not log back in.
Please describe your problem: After the update, I started get the "submitted form invalid" error. Like others on this forum with the same error, I tried resetting the password, setting the cookie, using a private window, a new browser, contacting my host, changing my php version. Nothing I've done yet has worked. I have had this issue before, but I haven't had it in a while. I wonder an .htaccess file may help, or if there's something else I'm overlooking.
UN: Test
PW: 1234
Any username combo will throw the error from what I can tell, it does not give the UN/PW combination is incorrect error. Thank you in advance!