Use putty: ... atest.html
The ACP and phpMyadmin have limitations because of php's max execution time and other directives. That's why SSH is more reliable, there is no php involved. MySQL dump works because it does it incrementally. Quite honestly I'd be looking for a new host if they can't get SSH issue resolved for more reasons than just the lack of SSH access. That's not a good sign .CarolC1 wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:10 pm I wish I could use the ACP, and maybe it works on other servers, but I don't think it worked for me. Maybe the fact that the board is 3.3.2 and the PHP version is 8.1.29 messed it up.
Code: Select all
// Is user any type of admin? No, then stop here, each script needs to
// check specific permissions but this is a catchall
if (!$auth->acl_get('a_'))
send_status_line(403, 'Forbidden');
Code: Select all
The author has stated that if there are issues with newer versions of PHP (version 8.x presumably) then he will investigate and fix the issue. Basically it’s still supported contrary to the rumours.
BigDump supportAlexey Ozerov wrote:Hello Mick,
Are there any issues with Bigdump running the latest PHP versions? No one has ever reported to me. I'd be glad to fix it.
Code: Select all
mysqldump -u [username] -p --opt [databasename] > [backupfilename.sql]
Code: Select all
mysqldump -u ********** -p********** ********** > backup.sql