SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

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Alex George
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SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

Post by Alex George »


I changed my hosting account and installed the latest version of phpbb ( 3.3.13) on it. Installation worked smooth. The problem is while I restored the database with the backup file (the old server has the 3.3.11 version). The board went offline with the following error message.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

Now I cannot access even the admin panel.


Board URL: https://www.systosys.com/
phpBB version: 3.3.13 (took DB backup from 3.3.11version)
cookie domain : .systosys.com
Secured cookie : Currently disabled
Force server URL settings: Disabled (Set as NO)
Server protocol : https://
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Re: SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

Post by thecoalman »

You can't restore old DB with new version without running the DB update.

Upload the install folder from 3.3.13 download package and point your browser at https://www.systosys.com/install/ ,click the update tab.
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Re: SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

Post by warmweer »

To add to thecoalman's post:

The phpBB "version" has 2 aspects: the files version and more (most) important: the database version.

With a database you can always restore the board, as the files corresponding with the database phpBB version can always be re-downloaded.

Without the database, all you can do is create a new phpBB board (the version of which wil be determined by the version of the files.

Using a files version different from the database version will (in many cases) give errors and could potentially corrupt the database (even beyond repair).

So in your case you need to update the database (using the files version you want to update to)

BTW you mentioned having changed host.

When installing the new 3.3.13 you used the new hosting data. When you imported the 3.3.11 database (from the previous host) the config_table containing connection data (e.g. cookie domain/path, etc) was replaced and some data in there probably still points to the pervious host.

You need to edit some data:
see Transferring Your Board to a New Host or Domain
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Re: SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

Post by Alex George »

Thank you warmweer and thecoalman. I will do the solution and will update the result.
Alex George
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Re: SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]

Post by Alex George »

Yes, I completed the upgrading. Thank you for your support.

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