Help, acp panel crushed

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Help, acp panel crushed

Post by Rici134 »


Please help, I can't enter the ACP admin panel. After updating 3.3.13 and installing mods. I reinstalled but it doesn't help, removing mods as well

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /var/www/html/users/f/l/flwww/ : eval()'d code on line 1

Code: Select all

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* Class handling all types of 'plugins' (a future term)
class p_master
	var $p_id;
	var $p_class;
	var $p_name;
	var $p_mode;
	var $p_parent;

	var $include_path = false;
	var $active_module = false;
	var $active_module_row_id = false;
	var $acl_forum_id = false;
	var $module_ary = array();

	* Constuctor
	* Set module include path
	function __construct($include_path = false)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$this->include_path = ($include_path !== false) ? $include_path : $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/';

		// Make sure the path ends with /
		if (substr($this->include_path, -1) !== '/')
			$this->include_path .= '/';

	* Set custom include path for modules
	* Schema for inclusion is include_path . modulebase
	* @param string $include_path include path to be used.
	* @access public
	function set_custom_include_path($include_path)
		$this->include_path = $include_path;

		// Make sure the path ends with /
		if (substr($this->include_path, -1) !== '/')
			$this->include_path .= '/';

	* List modules
	* This creates a list, stored in $this->module_ary of all available
	* modules for the given class (ucp, mcp and acp). Additionally
	* $this->module_y_ary is created with indentation information for
	* displaying the module list appropriately. Only modules for which
	* the user has access rights are included in these lists.
	function list_modules($p_class)
		global $db, $user, $cache;
		global $phpbb_dispatcher;

		// Sanitise for future path use, it's escaped as appropriate for queries
		$this->p_class = str_replace(array('.', '/', '//'), '', basename($p_class));

		// Get cached modules
		if (($this->module_cache = $cache->get('_modules_' . $this->p_class)) === false)
			// Get modules
			$sql = 'SELECT *
				WHERE module_class = '" . $db->sql_escape($this->p_class) . "'
				ORDER BY left_id ASC";
			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

			$rows = array();
			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$rows[$row['module_id']] = $row;

			$this->module_cache = array();
			foreach ($rows as $module_id => $row)
				$this->module_cache['modules'][] = $row;
				$this->module_cache['parents'][$row['module_id']] = $this->get_parents($row['parent_id'], $row['left_id'], $row['right_id'], $rows);

			$cache->put('_modules_' . $this->p_class, $this->module_cache);

		if (empty($this->module_cache))
			$this->module_cache = array('modules' => array(), 'parents' => array());

		// We "could" build a true tree with this function - maybe mod authors want to use this...
		// Functions for traversing and manipulating the tree are not available though
		// We might re-structure the module system to use true trees in 4.0
		// $tree = $this->build_tree($this->module_cache['modules'], $this->module_cache['parents']);

		// Clean up module cache array to only let survive modules the user can access
		$right_id = false;

		$hide_categories = array();
		foreach ($this->module_cache['modules'] as $key => $row)
			// When the module has no mode (category) we check whether it has visible children
			// before listing it as well.
			if (!$row['module_mode'])
				$hide_categories[(int) $row['module_id']] = $key;

			// Not allowed to view module?
			if (!$this->module_auth_self($row['module_auth']))

			// Category with no members, ignore
			if (!$row['module_basename'] && ($row['left_id'] + 1 == $row['right_id']))

			// Skip branch
			if ($right_id !== false)
				if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id)

				$right_id = false;

			// Not enabled?
			if (!$row['module_enabled'])
				// If category is disabled then disable every child too
				$right_id = $row['right_id'];

			if ($row['module_mode'])
				// The parent category has a visible child
				// So remove it and all its parents from the hide array
				unset($hide_categories[(int) $row['parent_id']]);
				foreach ($this->module_cache['parents'][$row['module_id']] as $module_id => $row_id)

		foreach ($hide_categories as $module_id => $row_id)

		// Re-index (this is needed, else we are not able to array_slice later)
		$this->module_cache['modules'] = array_merge($this->module_cache['modules']);

		// Include MOD _info files for populating language entries within the menus

		// Now build the module array, but exclude completely empty categories...
		$right_id = false;
		$names = array();

		foreach ($this->module_cache['modules'] as $key => $row)
			// Skip branch
			if ($right_id !== false)
				if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id)

				$right_id = false;

			// Category with no members on their way down (we have to check every level)
			if (!$row['module_basename'])
				$empty_category = true;

				// We go through the branch and look for an activated module
				foreach (array_slice($this->module_cache['modules'], $key + 1) as $temp_row)
					if ($temp_row['left_id'] > $row['left_id'] && $temp_row['left_id'] < $row['right_id'])
						// Module there
						if ($temp_row['module_basename'] && $temp_row['module_enabled'])
							$empty_category = false;

				// Skip the branch
				if ($empty_category)
					$right_id = $row['right_id'];

			$depth = count($this->module_cache['parents'][$row['module_id']]);

			// We need to prefix the functions to not create a naming conflict

			// Function for building 'url_extra'
			$short_name = $this->get_short_name($row['module_basename']);

			$url_func = 'phpbb_module_' . $short_name . '_url';
			if (!function_exists($url_func))
				$url_func = '_module_' . $short_name . '_url';

			// Function for building the language name
			$lang_func = 'phpbb_module_' . $short_name . '_lang';
			if (!function_exists($lang_func))
				$lang_func = '_module_' . $short_name . '_lang';

			// Custom function for calling parameters on module init (for example assigning template variables)
			$custom_func = 'phpbb_module_' . $short_name;
			if (!function_exists($custom_func))
				$custom_func = '_module_' . $short_name;

			$names[$row['module_basename'] . '_' . $row['module_mode']][] = true;

			$module_row = array(
				'depth'		=> $depth,

				'id'		=> (int) $row['module_id'],
				'parent'	=> (int) $row['parent_id'],
				'cat'		=> ($row['right_id'] > $row['left_id'] + 1) ? true : false,

				'is_duplicate'	=> ($row['module_basename'] && count($names[$row['module_basename'] . '_' . $row['module_mode']]) > 1) ? true : false,

				'name'		=> (string) $row['module_basename'],
				'mode'		=> (string) $row['module_mode'],
				'display'	=> (int) $row['module_display'],

				'url_extra'	=> (function_exists($url_func)) ? $url_func($row['module_mode'], $row) : '',

				'lang'		=> ($row['module_basename'] && function_exists($lang_func)) ? $lang_func($row['module_mode'], $row['module_langname']) : ((!empty($user->lang[$row['module_langname']])) ? $user->lang[$row['module_langname']] : $row['module_langname']),
				'langname'	=> $row['module_langname'],

				'left'		=> $row['left_id'],
				'right'		=> $row['right_id'],

			if (function_exists($custom_func))
				$custom_func($row['module_mode'], $module_row);

			* This event allows to modify parameters for building modules list
			* @event core.modify_module_row
			* @var	string		url_func		Function for building 'url_extra'
			* @var	string		lang_func		Function for building the language name
			* @var	string		custom_func		Custom function for calling parameters on module init
			* @var	array		row				Array holding the basic module data
			* @var	array		module_row		Array holding the module display parameters
			* @since 3.1.0-b3
			$vars = array('url_func', 'lang_func', 'custom_func', 'row', 'module_row');
			extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_module_row', compact($vars)));

			$this->module_ary[] = $module_row;

		unset($this->module_cache['modules'], $names);

	* Check if a certain main module is accessible/loaded
	* By giving the module mode you are able to additionally check for only one mode within the main module
	* @param string $module_basename The module base name, for example logs, reports, main (for the mcp).
	* @param mixed $module_mode The module mode to check. If provided the mode will be checked in addition for presence.
	* @return bool Returns true if module is loaded and accessible, else returns false
	function loaded($module_basename, $module_mode = false)
		if (!$this->is_full_class($module_basename))
			$module_basename = $this->p_class . '_' . $module_basename;

		if (empty($this->loaded_cache))
			$this->loaded_cache = array();

			foreach ($this->module_ary as $row)
				if (!$row['name'])

				if (!isset($this->loaded_cache[$row['name']]))
					$this->loaded_cache[$row['name']] = array();

				if (!$row['mode'])

				$this->loaded_cache[$row['name']][$row['mode']] = true;

		if ($module_mode === false)
			return (isset($this->loaded_cache[$module_basename])) ? true : false;

		return (!empty($this->loaded_cache[$module_basename][$module_mode])) ? true : false;

	* Check module authorisation.
	* This is a non-static version that uses $this->acl_forum_id
	* for the forum id.
	function module_auth_self($module_auth)
		return self::module_auth($module_auth, $this->acl_forum_id);

	* Check module authorisation.
	* This is a static version, it must be given $forum_id.
	* See also module_auth_self.
	static function module_auth($module_auth, $forum_id)
		global $auth, $config;
		global $request, $phpbb_extension_manager, $phpbb_dispatcher;

		$module_auth = trim($module_auth);

		// Generally allowed to access module if module_auth is empty
		if (!$module_auth)
			return true;

		// With the code below we make sure only those elements get eval'd we really want to be checked
			"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"         |
			\'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"\'     |
			[(),]                                  |
			[^\s(),]+)/x', $module_auth, $match);

		// Valid tokens for auth and their replacements
		$valid_tokens = array(
			'acl_([a-z0-9_]+)(,\$id)?'		=> '(int) $auth->acl_get(\'\\1\'\\2)',
			'\$id'							=> '(int) $forum_id',
			'aclf_([a-z0-9_]+)'				=> '(int) $auth->acl_getf_global(\'\\1\')',
			'cfg_([a-z0-9_]+)'				=> '(int) $config[\\1\']',
			'request_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)'		=> '$request->variable(\'\\1\', false)',
			'ext_([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+)'			=> 'array_key_exists(\'\\1\'), $phpbb_extension_manager->all_enabled())',
			'authmethod_([a-z0-9_\\\\]+)'		=> '($config[\'auth_method\'] === \'\\1\')',

		* Alter tokens for module authorisation check
		* @event core.module_auth
		* @var	array	valid_tokens		Valid tokens and their auth check
		*									replacements
		* @var	string	module_auth			The module_auth of the current
		* 									module
		* @var	int		forum_id			The current forum_id
		* @since 3.1.0-a3
		$vars = array('valid_tokens', 'module_auth', 'forum_id');
		extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.module_auth', compact($vars)));

		$tokens = $match[0];
		for ($i = 0, $size = count($tokens); $i < $size; $i++)
			$token = &$tokens[$i];

			switch ($token)
				case ')':
				case '(':
				case '&&':
				case '||':
				case ',':

					if (!preg_match('#(?:' . implode(')|(?:', array_keys($valid_tokens)) . ')#', $token))
						$token = '';

		$module_auth = implode(' ', $tokens);

		// Make sure $id separation is working fine
		$module_auth = str_replace(' , ', ',', $module_auth);

		$module_auth = preg_replace(
			// Array keys with # prepended/appended
			array_map(function($value) {
				return '#' . $value . '#';
			}, array_keys($valid_tokens)),

		$is_auth = false;
		// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
		eval('$is_auth = (int) (' . $module_auth . ');');
		// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

		return $is_auth;

	* Set active module
	function set_active($id = false, $mode = false)
		global $request;

		$icat = false;
		$this->active_module = false;

		if ($request->variable('icat', ''))
			$icat = $id;
			$id = $request->variable('icat', '');

		// Restore the backslashes in class names
		if (strpos($id, '-') !== false)
			$id = str_replace('-', '//', $id);

		if ($id && !is_numeric($id) && !$this->is_full_class($id))
			$id = $this->p_class . '_' . $id;

		$category = false;
		foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary)
			// If this is a module and it's selected, active
			// If this is a category and the module is the first within it, active
			// If this is a module and no mode selected, select first mode
			// If no category or module selected, go active for first module in first category
			if (
				(($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['name'] === $this->p_class . '_' . $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && (($item_ary['mode'] == $mode && !$item_ary['cat']) || ($icat && $item_ary['cat']))) ||
				($item_ary['parent'] === $category && !$item_ary['cat'] && !$icat && $item_ary['display']) ||
				(($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['name'] === $this->p_class . '_' . $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && !$mode && !$item_ary['cat']) ||
				(!$id && !$mode && !$item_ary['cat'] && $item_ary['display'])
				if ($item_ary['cat'])
					$id = $icat;
					$icat = false;


				$this->p_id		= $item_ary['id'];
				$this->p_parent	= $item_ary['parent'];
				$this->p_name	= $item_ary['name'];
				$this->p_mode 	= $item_ary['mode'];
				$this->p_left	= $item_ary['left'];
				$this->p_right	= $item_ary['right'];

				$this->module_cache['parents'] = $this->module_cache['parents'][$this->p_id];
				$this->active_module = $item_ary['id'];
				$this->active_module_row_id = $row_id;

			else if (($item_ary['cat'] && $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) || ($item_ary['parent'] === $category && $item_ary['cat']))
				$category = $item_ary['id'];

	* Loads currently active module
	* This method loads a given module, passing it the relevant id and mode.
	* @param string|false $mode mode, as passed through to the module
	* @param string|false $module_url If supplied, we use this module url
	* @param bool $execute_module If true, at the end we execute the main method for the new instance
	function load_active($mode = false, $module_url = false, $execute_module = true)
		global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $user, $template, $request;

		$module_path = $this->include_path . $this->p_class;
		$icat = $request->variable('icat', '');

		if ($this->active_module === false)
			trigger_error('MODULE_NOT_ACCESS', E_USER_ERROR);

		// new modules use the full class names, old ones are always called <type>_<name>, e.g. acp_board
		if (!class_exists($this->p_name))
			if (!file_exists("$module_path/{$this->p_name}.$phpEx"))
				trigger_error($user->lang('MODULE_NOT_FIND', "$module_path/{$this->p_name}.$phpEx"), E_USER_ERROR);


			if (!class_exists($this->p_name))
				trigger_error($user->lang('MODULE_FILE_INCORRECT_CLASS', "$module_path/{$this->p_name}.$phpEx", $this->p_name), E_USER_ERROR);

		if (!empty($mode))
			$this->p_mode = $mode;

		// Create a new instance of the desired module ...
		$class_name = $this->p_name;

		$this->module = new $class_name($this);

		// We pre-define the action parameter we are using all over the place
		if (defined('IN_ADMIN'))
			* If this is an extension module, we'll try to automatically set
			* the style paths for the extension (the ext author can change them
			* if necessary).
			$module_dir = explode('//', get_class($this->module));

			// 0 vendor, 1 extension name, ...
			if (isset($module_dir[1]))
				$module_style_dir = $phpbb_root_path . 'ext/' . $module_dir[0] . '/' . $module_dir[1] . '/adm/style';

				if (is_dir($module_style_dir))
							'name' 		=> 'adm',
							'ext_path' 	=> 'adm/style/',
					), array($module_style_dir, $phpbb_admin_path . 'style'));

			// Is first module automatically enabled a duplicate and the category not passed yet?
			if (!$icat && $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['is_duplicate'])
				$icat = $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['parent'];

			// Not being able to overwrite ;)
			$this->module->u_action = append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=' . $this->get_module_identifier($this->p_name)) . (($icat) ? '&amp;icat=' . $icat : '') . "&amp;mode={$this->p_mode}";
			* If this is an extension module, we'll try to automatically set
			* the style paths for the extension (the ext author can change them
			* if necessary).
			$module_dir = explode('//', get_class($this->module));

			// 0 vendor, 1 extension name, ...
			if (isset($module_dir[1]))
				$module_style_dir = 'ext/' . $module_dir[0] . '/' . $module_dir[1] . '/styles';

				if (is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $module_style_dir))
					$template->set_style(array($module_style_dir, 'styles'));

			// If user specified the module url we will use it...
			if ($module_url !== false)
				$this->module->u_action = $module_url;
				$this->module->u_action = $phpbb_root_path . (($user->page['page_dir']) ? $user->page['page_dir'] . '/' : '') . $user->page['page_name'];

			$this->module->u_action = append_sid($this->module->u_action, 'i=' . $this->get_module_identifier($this->p_name)) . (($icat) ? '&amp;icat=' . $icat : '') . "&amp;mode={$this->p_mode}";

		// Add url_extra parameter to u_action url
		if (!empty($this->module_ary) && $this->active_module !== false && $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['url_extra'])
			$this->module->u_action .= '&amp;' . $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['url_extra'];

		// Assign the module path for re-usage
		$this->module->module_path = $module_path . '/';

		// Execute the main method for the new instance, we send the module id and mode as parameters
		// Users are able to call the main method after this function to be able to assign additional parameters manually
		if ($execute_module)
			$short_name = preg_replace("#^{$this->p_class}_#", '', $this->p_name);
			$this->module->main($short_name, $this->p_mode);

	* Appending url parameter to the currently active module.
	* This function is called for adding specific url parameters while executing the current module.
	* It is doing the same as the _module_{name}_url() function, apart from being able to be called after
	* having dynamically parsed specific parameters. This allows more freedom in choosing additional parameters.
	* One example can be seen in /includes/mcp/mcp_notes.php - $this->p_master->adjust_url() call.
	* @param string $url_extra Extra url parameters, e.g.: &amp;u=$user_id
	function adjust_url($url_extra)
		if (empty($this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]))

		$row = &$this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id];

		// We check for the same url_extra in $row['url_extra'] to overcome doubled additions...
		if (strpos($row['url_extra'], $url_extra) === false)
			$row['url_extra'] .= $url_extra;

	* Check if a module is active
	function is_active($id, $mode = false)
		// If we find a name by this id and being enabled we have our active one...
		foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary)
			if (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && $item_ary['display'] || $item_ary['name'] === $this->p_class . '_' . $id)
				if ($mode === false || $mode === $item_ary['mode'])
					return true;

		return false;

	* Get parents
	function get_parents($parent_id, $left_id, $right_id, &$all_parents)
		$parents = array();

		if ($parent_id > 0)
			foreach ($all_parents as $module_id => $row)
				if ($row['left_id'] < $left_id && $row['right_id'] > $right_id)
					$parents[$module_id] = $row['parent_id'];

				if ($row['left_id'] > $left_id)

		return $parents;

	* Get tree branch
	function get_branch($left_id, $right_id, $remaining)
		$branch = array();

		foreach ($remaining as $key => $row)
			if ($row['left_id'] > $left_id && $row['left_id'] < $right_id)
				$branch[] = $row;

		return $branch;

	* Build true binary tree from given array
	* Not in use
	function build_tree(&$modules, &$parents)
		$tree = array();

		foreach ($modules as $row)
			$branch = &$tree;

			if ($row['parent_id'])
				// Go through the tree to find our branch
				$parent_tree = $parents[$row['module_id']];

				foreach ($parent_tree as $id => $value)
					if (!isset($branch[$id]) && isset($branch['child']))
						$branch = &$branch['child'];
					$branch = &$branch[$id];
				$branch = &$branch['child'];

			$branch[$row['module_id']] = $row;
			if (!isset($branch[$row['module_id']]['child']))
				$branch[$row['module_id']]['child'] = array();

		return $tree;

	* Build navigation structure
	function assign_tpl_vars($module_url)
		global $template;

		$current_id = $right_id = false;

		// Make sure the module_url has a question mark set, effectively determining the delimiter to use
		$delim = (strpos($module_url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&amp;';

		$current_depth = 0;
		$linear_offset 	= 'l_block1';
		$tabular_offset = 't_block2';

		// Generate the list of modules, we'll do this in two ways ...
		// 1) In a linear fashion
		// 2) In a combined tabbed + linear fashion ... tabs for the categories
		//    and a linear list for subcategories/items
		foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary)
			// Skip hidden modules
			if (!$item_ary['display'])

			// Skip branch
			if ($right_id !== false)
				if ($item_ary['left'] < $right_id)

				$right_id = false;

			// Category with no members on their way down (we have to check every level)
			if (!$item_ary['name'])
				$empty_category = true;

				// We go through the branch and look for an activated module
				foreach (array_slice($this->module_ary, $row_id + 1) as $temp_row)
					if ($temp_row['left'] > $item_ary['left'] && $temp_row['left'] < $item_ary['right'])
						// Module there and displayed?
						if ($temp_row['name'] && $temp_row['display'])
							$empty_category = false;

				// Skip the branch
				if ($empty_category)
					$right_id = $item_ary['right'];

			// Select first id we can get
			if (!$current_id && (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id))
				$current_id = $item_ary['id'];

			$depth = $item_ary['depth'];

			if ($depth > $current_depth)
				$linear_offset = $linear_offset . '.l_block' . ($depth + 1);
				$tabular_offset = ($depth + 1 > 2) ? $tabular_offset . '.t_block' . ($depth + 1) : $tabular_offset;
			else if ($depth < $current_depth)
				for ($i = $current_depth - $depth; $i > 0; $i--)
					$linear_offset = substr($linear_offset, 0, strrpos($linear_offset, '.'));
					$tabular_offset = ($i + $depth > 1) ? substr($tabular_offset, 0, strrpos($tabular_offset, '.')) : $tabular_offset;

			$u_title = $module_url . $delim . 'i=';
			// if the item has a name use it, else use its id
			if (empty($item_ary['name']))
				$u_title .= $item_ary['id'];
				// if the category has a name, then use it.
				$u_title .= $this->get_module_identifier($item_ary['name']);
			// If the item is not a category append the mode
			if (!$item_ary['cat'])
				if ($item_ary['is_duplicate'])
					$u_title .= '&amp;icat=' . $current_id;
				$u_title .= '&amp;mode=' . $item_ary['mode'];

			// Was not allowed in categories before - /*!$item_ary['cat'] && */
			$u_title .= (isset($item_ary['url_extra']) && $item_ary['url_extra']) ? '&amp;' . $item_ary['url_extra'] : '';

			// Only output a categories items if it's currently selected
			if (!$depth || ($depth && (in_array($item_ary['parent'], array_values($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['parent'] == $this->p_parent)))
				$use_tabular_offset = (!$depth) ? 't_block1' : $tabular_offset;

				$tpl_ary = array(
					'L_TITLE'		=> $item_ary['lang'],
					'S_SELECTED'	=> (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,
					'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

				if (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id)
					$template->assign_block_vars('navlinks', array(
						'BREADCRUMB_NAME'	=> $item_ary['lang'],
						'U_BREADCRUMB'		=> $u_title,

				$template->assign_block_vars($use_tabular_offset, array_merge($tpl_ary, array_change_key_case($item_ary, CASE_UPPER)));

			$tpl_ary = array(
				'L_TITLE'		=> $item_ary['lang'],
				'S_SELECTED'	=> (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,
				'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

			$template->assign_block_vars($linear_offset, array_merge($tpl_ary, array_change_key_case($item_ary, CASE_UPPER)));

			$current_depth = $depth;

	* Returns desired template name
	function get_tpl_name()
		return $this->module->tpl_name . '.html';

	* Returns the desired page title
	function get_page_title()
		global $user;

		if (!isset($this->module->page_title))
			return '';

		return (isset($user->lang[$this->module->page_title])) ? $user->lang[$this->module->page_title] : $this->module->page_title;

	* Load module as the current active one without the need for registering it
	* @param string $class module class (acp/mcp/ucp)
	* @param string $name module name (class name of the module, or its basename
	*                     phpbb_ext_foo_acp_bar_module, ucp_zebra or zebra)
	* @param string $mode mode, as passed through to the module
	function load($class, $name, $mode = false)
		// new modules use the full class names, old ones are always called <class>_<name>, e.g. acp_board
		// in the latter case this function may be called as load('acp', 'board')
		if (!class_exists($name) && substr($name, 0, strlen($class) + 1) !== $class . '_')
			$name = $class . '_' . $name;

		$this->p_class = $class;
		$this->p_name = $name;

		// Set active module to true instead of using the id
		$this->active_module = true;


	* Display module
	function display($page_title, $display_online_list = false)
		global $template, $user;

		// Generate the page
		if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && isset($user->data['session_admin']) && $user->data['session_admin'])
			page_header($page_title, $display_online_list);

			'body' => $this->get_tpl_name())

		if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && isset($user->data['session_admin']) && $user->data['session_admin'])

	* Toggle whether this module will be displayed or not
	function set_display($id, $mode = false, $display = true)
		foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary)
			if (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['name'] === $this->p_class . '_' . $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && (!$mode || $item_ary['mode'] === $mode))
				$this->module_ary[$row_id]['display'] = (int) $display;

	* Add custom MOD info language file
	function add_mod_info($module_class)
		global $config, $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_extension_manager;

		$finder = $phpbb_extension_manager->get_finder();

		// We grab the language files from the default, English and user's language.
		// So we can fall back to the other files like we do when using add_lang()
		$default_lang_files = $english_lang_files = $user_lang_files = array();

		// Search for board default language if it's not the user language
		if ($config['default_lang'] != $user->lang_name)
			$default_lang_files = $finder
				->prefix('info_' . strtolower($module_class) . '_')
				->extension_directory('/language/' . basename($config['default_lang']))
				->core_path('language/' . basename($config['default_lang']) . '/mods/')

		// Search for english, if its not the default or user language
		if ($config['default_lang'] != 'en' && $user->lang_name != 'en')
			$english_lang_files = $finder
				->prefix('info_' . strtolower($module_class) . '_')

		// Find files in the user's language
		$user_lang_files = $finder
			->prefix('info_' . strtolower($module_class) . '_')
			->extension_directory('/language/' . $user->lang_name)
			->core_path('language/' . $user->lang_name . '/mods/')

		$lang_files = array_merge($english_lang_files, $default_lang_files, $user_lang_files);
		foreach ($lang_files as $lang_file => $ext_name)
			$user->add_lang_ext($ext_name, $lang_file);

	* Retrieve shortened module basename for legacy basenames (with xcp_ prefix)
	* @param string $basename A module basename
	* @return string The basename if it starts with phpbb_ or the basename with
	*                the current p_class (e.g. acp_) stripped.
	protected function get_short_name($basename)
		if (substr($basename, 0, 6) === 'phpbb//' || strpos($basename, '//') !== false)
			return $basename;

		// strip xcp_ prefix from old classes
		return substr($basename, strlen($this->p_class) + 1);

	* If the basename contains a \ we don't use that for the URL.
	* Firefox is currently unable to correctly copy a urlencoded \
	* so users will be unable to post links to modules.
	* However we can replace them with dashes and re-replace them later
	* @param	string	$basename	Basename of the module
	* @return		string	Identifier that should be used for
	*						module link creation
	protected function get_module_identifier($basename)
		if (strpos($basename, '//') === false)
			return $basename;

		return str_replace('//', '-', $basename);

	* Checks whether the given module basename is a correct class name
	* @param string $basename A module basename
	* @return bool True if the basename starts with phpbb_ or (x)cp_, false otherwise
	protected function is_full_class($basename)
		return (strpos($basename, '\\') !== false || preg_match('/^(ucp|mcp|acp)_/', $basename));
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by Noxwizard »

Your copy of that file does not match the stock version. Several double slashes have been reversed. Upload a new copy of that file from the Full Package download or from here.
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by Rici134 »

now I replaced the file and nothing, I even replaced the entire includes folder and the forum still works fine and acp shows the same.
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by thecoalman »

Try purging the cache.
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by Rici134 »

thecoalman wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 7:39 am Try purging the cache.
cleared both on the forum and in the browser
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by warmweer »

style_version = 3.3.8
phpbb_version = 3.3.8

That means you did not update properly.

style_version = 3.3.2
phpbb_version = 3.3.2

That's 11 versions behind the latest phpBB version and since it doesn't inherit from prosilver, there are bound to be errors.
Rici134 wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:17 pm Please help, I can't enter the ACP admin panel. After updating 3.3.13 and installing mods. I reinstalled but it doesn't help, removing mods as well
"mods"?? Do you mean extensions?
Spelling is freeware, which means you can use it for free.
On the other hand, it is not open source, which means you cannot change it or publish it in a modified form.

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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by Rici134 »

warmweer wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 9:00 am prosilver
style_version = 3.3.8
phpbb_version = 3.3.8

That means you did not update properly.

style_version = 3.3.2
phpbb_version = 3.3.2

That's 11 versions behind the latest phpBB version and since it doesn't inherit from prosilver, there are bound to be errors.
Rici134 wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:17 pm Please help, I can't enter the ACP admin panel. After updating 3.3.13 and installing mods. I reinstalled but it doesn't help, removing mods as well
"mods"?? Do you mean extensions?
Yes, extensions.
now without acp panel I can't uninstall this style. question what can I do now to reset the forum and not lose data.
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Re: Help, acp panel crushed

Post by warmweer »

Rici134 wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 4:55 pm now without acp panel I can't uninstall this style. question what can I do now to reset the forum and not lose data.
Use phpMyadmin
table phpbb_styles > find the style_id of prosilver
table phpbb_config >>>
find the field "default_style". Change the value to the style_id of prosilver (usually it's 1)
find the field "override_user_style" and set that to 1
While you're at it: find the table phpbb_users, find your record and set user_style to the style_id of prosilver.

Clear board and browser cache.
You should then be able to access the ACP
Spelling is freeware, which means you can use it for free.
On the other hand, it is not open source, which means you cannot change it or publish it in a modified form.

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.

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