Unread forum titles (colorà

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Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Since I use forum images and have removed the topic icons from the forum index, I would like to change the color of the unread forum titles.

It's already good for the topics:

Code: Select all

[class*="_unread"] a.topictitle {
   color: #BC2A4D;
But the below doesn't work... Do I have to add that class to index_body.html myself? And if so where and how ?
It's prosilver

Code: Select all

[class*="forum_unread"] a.forumtitle {
	color: #BC2A4D;
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by danieltj »

Does the forum you're using to test this against have a subforum within it? If it does you'll need forum_unread_subforum.

So you could try:

Code: Select all

[class*="forum_unread"] a.forumtitle,
[class*="forum_unread_subforum"] a.forumtitle {
	color: #BC2A4D;
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Unfortunately this doesn't work:

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
	<!-- IF (forumrow.S_IS_CAT and not forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW) or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_before -->
	<!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT or forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW  or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->
		<div class="forabg">
			<div class="inner">
			<ul class="topiclist">
				<li class="header">
					<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_row_prepend -->
					<dl class="row-item">
						<dt><div class="list-inner"><!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_FORUM}<!-- ENDIF --></div></dt>
						<dd class="topics">{L_TOPICS}</dd>
						<dd class="posts">{L_POSTS}</dd>
						<dd class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></dd>
					<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_row_append -->
			<ul class="topiclist forums">
	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_after -->

	<!-- IF not forumrow.S_IS_CAT -->
		<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_before -->
		<li class="row">
			<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_prepend -->
			<dl class="row-item<!-- IF not forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE --> {forumrow.FORUM_IMG_STYLE}<!-- ENDIF -->">
				<dt title="{% if forumrow.S_IS_LINK %}{{ lang('FORUM_LINK') }}{% else %}{{ forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT }}{% endif %}">
					<!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="row-item-link"></a><!-- ENDIF -->
					<div class="list-inner">
						<!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS and forumrow.S_FEED_ENABLED -->
								<a class="feed-icon-forum" title="{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}" href="{U_FEED}?f={forumrow.FORUM_ID}">
									<i class="icon fa-rss-square fa-fw icon-orange" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</span>
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_before -->
							<span class="forum-image"><!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_prepend -->{forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_append --></span>
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_after -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
						<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_DESC --><br />{forumrow.FORUM_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF forumrow.MODERATORS -->
							<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_MODERATOR_STR}{L_COLON}</strong> {forumrow.MODERATORS}
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF .forumrow.subforum and forumrow.S_LIST_SUBFORUMS -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_before -->
							<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}{L_COLON}</strong>
							<!-- BEGIN subforum -->
								<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforum_link_prepend --><a href="{forumrow.subforum.U_SUBFORUM}" class="subforum<!-- IF forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD --> unread<!-- ELSE --> read<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{% if forumrow.subforum.IS_LINK %}{{ lang('FORUM_LINK') }}{% elseif forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD %}{{ lang('UNREAD_POSTS') }}{% else %}{{ lang('NO_UNREAD_POSTS') }}{% endif %}">
									<i class="icon <!-- IF forumrow.subforum.IS_LINK -->fa-external-link<!-- ELSE -->fa-file-o<!-- ENDIF --> fa-fw <!-- IF forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD --> icon-red<!-- ELSE --> icon-blue<!-- ENDIF --> icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i>{forumrow.subforum.SUBFORUM_NAME}</a><!-- IF not forumrow.subforum.S_LAST_ROW -->{L_COMMA_SEPARATOR}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforum_link_append -->
							<!-- END subforum -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_after -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->

						<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
						<div class="responsive-show" style="display: none;">
							<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
								{L_REDIRECTS}{L_COLON} <strong>{forumrow.CLICKS}</strong>
							<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK and forumrow.TOPICS -->
								{L_TOPICS}{L_COLON} <strong>{forumrow.TOPICS}</strong>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
					<dd class="redirect"><span>{L_REDIRECTS}{L_COLON} {forumrow.CLICKS}</span></dd>
				<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK -->
					<dd class="topics">{forumrow.TOPICS} <dfn>{L_TOPICS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="posts">{forumrow.POSTS} <dfn>{L_POSTS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="lastpost">
							<!-- IF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS -->
								<a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS}" title="{L_TOPICS_UNAPPROVED}">
									<i class="icon fa-question fa-fw icon-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_TOPICS_UNAPPROVED}</span>
							<!-- ELSEIF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_POSTS -->
								<a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_POSTS}" title="{L_POSTS_UNAPPROVED_FORUM}">
									<i class="icon fa-question fa-fw icon-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_POSTS_UNAPPROVED_FORUM}</span>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME_RFC3339 -->
								<!-- IF forumrow.S_DISPLAY_SUBJECT -->
									<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_post_title_prepend -->
									<a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}" title="{forumrow.LAST_POST_SUBJECT}" class="lastsubject">{forumrow.LAST_POST_SUBJECT_TRUNCATED}</a> <br />
								<!-- ENDIF -->
									{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_poster_username_prepend -->{forumrow.LAST_POSTER_FULL}<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_poster_username_append -->
								<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
									<a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}" title="{L_VIEW_LATEST_POST}">
										<i class="icon fa-external-link-square fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_VIEW_LATEST_POST}</span>
								<!-- ENDIF -->
								<br /><time datetime="{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME_RFC3339}">{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</time>
							<!-- ELSE -->
							{% if forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS %}
								{{ lang('TOPIC_UNAPPROVED_FORUM', forumrow.TOPICS) }}
							{% else %}
								{{ lang('NO_POSTS') }}
							{% endif %}
							<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- ELSE -->
				<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_append -->
		<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_after -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_LAST_ROW -->

	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_row_after -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner">
<!-- END forumrow -->
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

Code: Select all

<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle" <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->style="color: #AA0000;"<!-- ENDIF -->>{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Steve wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 3:12 pm

Code: Select all

<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle" <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->style="color: #AA0000;"<!-- ENDIF -->>{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
The problem is all this doesn't work with marking forums as read. Only if you refresh the page.

Or am I supposed to add "class*="forum_unread" to forumlist_body.html" ? But where?
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

add this to ajax.js


Code: Select all

	$('li.row').find('dl[class*="forum_unread"]').each(function() {

Add before:

Code: Select all

/* grid pro */
	$('a, i.icon').each(function() {
		if ($('a i.icon').hasClass('unread-forum')) {
			$('a i.icon').removeClass('unread-forum');
then use this:

Code: Select all

<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle <!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->;">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>

<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->

Code: Select all

<a href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->;">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
Last edited by Steve on Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

With this css right? Because it doesn't seem to work.

Code: Select all

[class*="forum_unread"] a.forumtitle,
[class*="forum_unread_subforum"] a.forumtitle {
	color: #BC2A4D;
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

True, the CSS class does not exist.
This works


Code: Select all

/* grid pro */
	$('a.forumtitle.unread-forum').each(function() {
		if ($('a.forumtitle.unread-forum').hasClass('unread-forum')) {

Code: Select all

<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle unread-forum <!-- IF forumrow..S_UNREAD_FORUM -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>

Code: Select all

a.forumtitle.unread-forum {
	color: #AA0000;
Test with:

Code: Select all

<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle unread-forum">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
Last edited by Steve on Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

How should I place that HTML correctly? Because I have tried it in different ways, but now everything remains red and no distinction is made between read and unread messages

Code: Select all

						<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle unread-forum<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>

Code: Select all

												<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle unread-forum">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

Fixed all my posts, all tested and working.
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Thank you in advance for your efforts. But I'm probably doing something wrong or overlooking something.

My modified file here?

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
	<!-- IF (forumrow.S_IS_CAT and not forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW) or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_before -->
	<!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT or forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW  or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->
		<div class="forabg">
			<div class="inner">
			<ul class="topiclist">
				<li class="header">
					<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_row_prepend -->
					<dl class="row-item">
						<dt><div class="list-inner"><!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_FORUM}<!-- ENDIF --></div></dt>
						<dd class="topics">{L_TOPICS}</dd>
						<dd class="posts">{L_POSTS}</dd>
						<dd class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></dd>
					<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_row_append -->
			<ul class="topiclist forums">
	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_category_header_after -->

	<!-- IF not forumrow.S_IS_CAT -->
		<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_before -->
		<li class="row">
			<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_prepend -->
			<dl class="row-item<!-- IF not forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE --> {forumrow.FORUM_IMG_STYLE}<!-- ENDIF -->">
				<dt title="{% if forumrow.S_IS_LINK %}{{ lang('FORUM_LINK') }}{% else %}{{ forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT }}{% endif %}">
					<!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="row-item-link"></a><!-- ENDIF -->
					<div class="list-inner">
						<!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS and forumrow.S_FEED_ENABLED -->
								<a class="feed-icon-forum" title="{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}" href="{U_FEED}?f={forumrow.FORUM_ID}">
									<i class="icon fa-rss-square fa-fw icon-orange" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</span>
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_before -->
							<span class="forum-image"><!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_prepend -->{forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_append --></span>
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_image_after -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle <!-- IF forumrow.S_UNREAD_FORUM -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->;">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
                        <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->
						<a href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->unread-forum<!-- ENDIF -->;">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
						<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_DESC --><br />{forumrow.FORUM_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF forumrow.MODERATORS -->
							<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_MODERATOR_STR}{L_COLON}</strong> {forumrow.MODERATORS}
						<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF .forumrow.subforum and forumrow.S_LIST_SUBFORUMS -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_before -->
							<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}{L_COLON}</strong>
							<!-- BEGIN subforum -->
								<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforum_link_prepend --><a href="{forumrow.subforum.U_SUBFORUM}" class="subforum<!-- IF forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD --> unread<!-- ELSE --> read<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{% if forumrow.subforum.IS_LINK %}{{ lang('FORUM_LINK') }}{% elseif forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD %}{{ lang('UNREAD_POSTS') }}{% else %}{{ lang('NO_UNREAD_POSTS') }}{% endif %}">
									<i class="icon <!-- IF forumrow.subforum.IS_LINK -->fa-external-link<!-- ELSE -->fa-file-o<!-- ENDIF --> fa-fw <!-- IF forumrow.subforum.S_UNREAD --> icon-red<!-- ELSE --> icon-blue<!-- ENDIF --> icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i>{forumrow.subforum.SUBFORUM_NAME}</a><!-- IF not forumrow.subforum.S_LAST_ROW -->{L_COMMA_SEPARATOR}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforum_link_append -->
							<!-- END subforum -->
							<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_subforums_after -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->

						<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
						<div class="responsive-show" style="display: none;">
							<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
								{L_REDIRECTS}{L_COLON} <strong>{forumrow.CLICKS}</strong>
							<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK and forumrow.TOPICS -->
								{L_TOPICS}{L_COLON} <strong>{forumrow.TOPICS}</strong>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
					<dd class="redirect"><span>{L_REDIRECTS}{L_COLON} {forumrow.CLICKS}</span></dd>
				<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK -->
					<dd class="topics">{forumrow.TOPICS} <dfn>{L_TOPICS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="posts">{forumrow.POSTS} <dfn>{L_POSTS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="lastpost">
							<!-- IF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS -->
								<a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS}" title="{L_TOPICS_UNAPPROVED}">
									<i class="icon fa-question fa-fw icon-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_TOPICS_UNAPPROVED}</span>
							<!-- ELSEIF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_POSTS -->
								<a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_POSTS}" title="{L_POSTS_UNAPPROVED_FORUM}">
									<i class="icon fa-question fa-fw icon-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_POSTS_UNAPPROVED_FORUM}</span>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME_RFC3339 -->
								<!-- IF forumrow.S_DISPLAY_SUBJECT -->
									<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_post_title_prepend -->
									<a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}" title="{forumrow.LAST_POST_SUBJECT}" class="lastsubject">{forumrow.LAST_POST_SUBJECT_TRUNCATED}</a> <br />
								<!-- ENDIF -->
									{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_poster_username_prepend -->{forumrow.LAST_POSTER_FULL}<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_poster_username_append -->
								<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
									<a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}" title="{L_VIEW_LATEST_POST}">
										<i class="icon fa-external-link-square fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{L_VIEW_LATEST_POST}</span>
								<!-- ENDIF -->
								<br /><time datetime="{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME_RFC3339}">{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</time>
							<!-- ELSE -->
							{% if forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS %}
								{{ lang('TOPIC_UNAPPROVED_FORUM', forumrow.TOPICS) }}
							{% else %}
								{{ lang('NO_POSTS') }}
							{% endif %}
							<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- ELSE -->
				<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_append -->
		<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_forum_row_after -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_LAST_ROW -->

	<!-- EVENT forumlist_body_last_row_after -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner">
<!-- END forumrow -->
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

Does it work with prosilver?
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Steve wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 7:39 pm Does it work with prosilver?
No. The formlist_body.html I posted is prosilver.
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by Steve »

Works here: https://www.steven-clark.tech/index.php

Click mark forums read on the left 'NAME' is red on the right.
@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺
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Re: Unread forum titles (colorà

Post by bennybernaer »

Very strange. And have I adjusted the file I posted correctly? Because I also disabled all extensions on my test forum just to be sure.

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