[3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by STK »

Guess I misunderstood...BB Codes only get rendered in entry tag and entry match, right?
Would be nice to have them rendered in the entry type matches, too. Different colored answers for example...

Small issue:
I'm using simple custom BB-Codes for tables and would like to store the form entries in a table as well.
When displaying the form your extention renders them correctly in a text note, even if there's only the opening tag in it (closed in a text note at the bottom), but not in the tag entry with radio buttons. It's displaying " [tr][td]Question[/td]".
If I put "Question" between

Code: Select all

, "Question" is rendered bold, but the table tags still don't get rendered.

The post is stored correctly though, and questions and answers are displayed in a table as expected. So it's only a cosmetic problem when the form is displayed.

If I keep out the table tags of the entry tag and put them in the text note before (closing them in the entry match), the form is displayed correctly, but not the post despite all tags should be correct...

Any idea what could cause this?

Thank you!
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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by salvocortesiano »

very interesting project. Unfortunately when I select the template from the combobox, the page reloads and nothing happens anymore!
My phpbb v.3.3.11
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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by Toxyy »

salvocortesiano wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 3:39 pm Unfortunately when I select the template from the combobox, the page reloads and nothing happens anymore!
Can you show me how you've set up your template? And do you have anything in your error log related to this error? If you can't find anything, ultimately it would be better for me to check your site myself. It may be because of the style you're using, possibly. If so I can look into that.
I am a web developer/administrator, specializing in forums. If you have work you need done or are too lazy to do, pm me!

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[3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates || [3.3][BETA] Anonymous Posts || [3.2][3.3][BETA] ACP Merge Child Forums || [3.2][BETA] Sticky Ad || [3.2][DEV] User Delete Topics || [3.3][DEV] Moderate While Searching || [3.3][RC] Short Number Twig Extension
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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by salvocortesiano »

Toxyy wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 8:17 pm
salvocortesiano wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 3:39 pm Unfortunately when I select the template from the combobox, the page reloads and nothing happens anymore!
Can you show me how you've set up your template? And do you have anything in your error log related to this error? If you can't find anything, ultimately it would be better for me to check your site myself. It may be because of the style you're using, possibly. If so I can look into that.
The settings are correct (at the moment I had to uninstall it to switch to the new phpbb 3.3.12).
The LOG file does not report any errors, it is empty! The style I use is FourmUS which can be viewed at the following link: https://themeforest.net/item/forumus-re ... e/17057432
However, I can try installing the extension again, and show you how I configured it :D

I have a doubt! When I select the template, and the page reloads, the textbox is empty! Do I have to send the form or preview directly to see the result? I'll try again and let you know :D

I'm sorry for this false report, but it was me who hadn't yet understood how it worked and the correct configuration!
The extension works very well. Compliments :P

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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by KenTSA »

Is any chances to can set a post form template to a specific topic? Not all forum or category.
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Re: [3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates

Post by eunaumtenhoid »

Excellent extension, great work, congratulations!

Could adding some details make it more dynamic
  • An option to put a space between one entry and another (I managed to get around this by pressing "enter" on the entry titles)
  • An option (a checkbox) to make an entry title not appear in the post, only the answer, for example, if you put an image with the title "screenshots", after putting the image link, only the link would be shown in the post and not the screenshot name.
  • Add a way for some reposts to appear side by side and not one on each line. For example, I'm using subentries to add several answers, but I'd like them to appear one here, a second here, a third here
    (currently it would be one here
    second here
    third here).
  • add an option to set entries as mandatory
  • add an option so that if you don't respond to the entry, the entry title is not displayed either.
  • add some variables that could pull more information to complete an entry, for example I use a topic prefixes extension, when I choose a prefix, that prefix value is displayed in some entry, because this would avoid having 2 identical fields to respond, like putting 2 topic titles, because sometimes I want to replicate the topic title in some entry.
  • the loading when choosing the template category could be in ajax, so as not to load the entire page
  • It could be possible to add 2 entries in the same text with 2 different texts, something similar to what happens with bbcodes with several variables in the same text, {TEXT}, {TEXT1}, {TEXT2}, then each one would replace a part of the text.
  • finally, I don't know if it's a bug, but when editing a topic it could be possible to edit the values ​​directly in the form, because currently when you edit a form, it doesn't delete the previous one or replace it, it adds another one, with that the topic becomes a mess
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