Thanks in advance.
Can the Admin find/see un-posted user drafts?

If it's limited to seeing that certain users have drafts (without being able to read the drafts) then I think it's fine. But reading drafts is a step too far (personal opinion).D. K wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:22 pm We would still like to see what user drafts are stored and the date they were last stored. Our users are not true computer users and we suspect they have saved posts instead of posting. Or they have forgotten to return and finish the post. Or they just don't know how to reload the draft (we know its easy but you don't know our users).
Code: Select all
user_x has 3 drafts saved: date1, date 2 date 3
Our users are really not the computer savy. (our estimate is the average age is 60-70 or more)But reading drafts is a step too far (personal opinion).
As Admins (65-75 years old) also we are only slightly more computer savvy. For us (Admin ) to get things accomplished it often takes lots of time, trial & error and checking to see what we have broken.KevC wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:52 pm They might be more savvy than you think.
Did you look at the database to see if indeed there are any drafts at all?