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// phpBB 3.2.x auto-generated configuration file // Do not change anything in this file! $dbms = 'phpbb\\db\\driver\\mysqli'; $dbhost = ''; $dbport = 'database port if not default'; $dbname = '*****'; $dbuser = '*****'; $dbpasswd = '*****'; $table_prefix = 'phpbb_'; $phpbb_adm_relative_path = 'adm/'; $acm_type = 'phpbb\\cache\\driver\\file';
Yeswarmweer wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:58 am 3.4 ???
Do you mean phpBB 3.3.14 or phpBB 3.4 (which is still in development stage)?
I've never used CLI. I have imported and exported and dropped the data base before attempting to restore. I tried manual and big dump, but it didn't work. I am using bravenet and I don't see a CLIinvenio wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:30 am Do you have access to CLI? If so, you can use that to restore the database and also try the update again as it may have a better chance of not timing out (especially if you have a large board/database).
and store/io_lock.lock
?$dbport = 'database port if not default';
Yes. on the stor/install_config but I just deleted store/io_lock.lockwarmweer wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:25 pm Did you clear board and browser cache?
and did you deletestore/install_config.php
I'm getting an HTTP 302 Found on your board url
I think they provide SSH and recommend using Putty. I would try all database backups and restores via that method as most likely it's the most reliable. If you get another timeout error with trying to install, again I would try to do the update via CLI. It's a more reliable way of doing things and it's what is recommended with larger boards when encountering timeout errors.CoinHELP wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:57 pmI've never used CLI. I have imported and exported and dropped the data base before attempting to restore. I tried manual and big dump, but it didn't work. I am using bravenet and I don't see a CLIinvenio wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:30 am Do you have access to CLI? If so, you can use that to restore the database and also try the update again as it may have a better chance of not timing out (especially if you have a large board/database).
Your host provides information on how to log in via Putty (I checked, it's there under support), just follow those directions.CoinHELP wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:16 pm I agree on using CLI but I don't know how. I don't know that much about data bases. I know more now than I did two days ago but I am still trying to figure this so it never happens again. You would think having this board since 2009 that I would have took a class. I feel stupid already.