Trying to convert Vbulletin 4.2.5 to the latest phpBB. (450K+ Posts, 30K+ Members)
Starting with the instructions from this post viewtopic.php?t=2646517 Starting at version 3.0.11
I Am Getting the bellow error. I've Tried searching for a fix, and all I could find was the same error with VB 3.X and the fix suggested there isn't relevant?
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Out of range value for column 'poll_option_total' at row 3 [1264]
INSERT INTO phpbb_poll_options (poll_option_id, topic_id, poll_option_text, poll_option_total) VALUES (1, 19356, 'Yes', 0), (2, 19356, 'Yes', 0), (3, 19356, 'Hell No', 2147483647)