can I quickly create a new admin user?

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can I quickly create a new admin user?

Post by abrogard »

I want to assist my host in finding why I can't get emails from my boards by giving them an admin login.
i can't create users in the ordinary way because that's the problem: board doesn't send out the activation email.
can we do it in ACP or something
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Re: can I quickly create a new admin user?

Post by KevC »

2 ways to do this.

You could change your password to something you only tell the host, then when they're done, change it back to your real password.
Create an account in the normal way, then in the admin panel, manage users > that account name > Activate account in the quick tools. That bypasses the need for the email.
Then put that account in to the admin group.

When they're done, delete the account or remove it from the admin group until you need it another time.
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