I think the following may be a little pre-warning to all those not familiar in PHP/SQL but - even if warned - running their converted boards live or intend to rely on the conversion done with the convertor included within the Beta5 release.
Since we intend to give full support beginning with the Release Candidate 1 and also need to be sure everyone is on one level we may (it is very likely) enforce the rule to only support new installations. No updated versions and no converted versions. This is especially important because your installation is semi-functional if you used the convertor included within the beta5 release. This version had numerous bugs and is meant for testing purposes - as well as the conversion code within CVS is meant for testing purposes. Therefore, i highly recommend you think over your plans on migration. Plan your migration, test your migration, try to create a unique style for your site, make sure it is working as you want it to be - but do not make the false assumption that you are able to go live with it. Even if you do not notice the bugs now, you will once you have a constant rate of active members.
To summarize - we include an updater from beta5 to rc1 within the next release, but we will most likely not support updated or converted versions prior to RC1. If you have the knowledge you most likely do not need the support anyway - and you are most likely already helping others with their problems. With this step we do not want to discourage or punish anyone; we want to make sure you get the best support possible. Olympus is new, it is challenging, it is completely different compared to 2.0.x - it will take time for everybody to get used to it.
I will let this topic open for any further questions. But please stay civilized.