drathbun wrote: Most MODs won't convert, so it doesn't really matter.
I believe it has been stated that the Attachment MOD will convert. Other MOD authors may provide conversions scripts for their own MODs. But in general you probably should not count on being able to convert any MODs.
Why are you posting a link to phpbb2 mods in a phpbb3 forum?yexusbeliever wrote: Here is all the active and stabled mods! http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewforum.php?f=15
david63 wrote:Why are you posting a link to phpbb2 mods in a phpbb3 forum?yexusbeliever wrote: Here is all the active and stabled mods! http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewforum.php?f=15
I doubt very much that it is "rocket science" to actually find that forum particularly as anyone who has an interest in mods knows about it already - in fact I would guess that a large number of posters in this form have posted in the mods forum at some point.
iEcstacy wrote: For other 2.0.x forums, where they do have mods active, what should they do? I have a few phpBB forums.