Thanks for your reply smithy_dll, and also thanks for all the other replies!
This really seems to be a big change that doesn't seem to be documented very well... I think that in documentation written for the moddb (not written for MODX in general), there should be some examples for how it looks in phpBB (like you provided), because that gives us mod authors a better idea. And it saves the mod team having to deny the first wave of MODs because of wrong packaging (allthough i bet there will be other problems too, but then at least deny with a good reason

So now, if you have:
Will we have to duplicate the MODs header section into that file? That file is pureley for the language edits (but english is included in the main file as i understand it), and the languages/ folder can also contain image files for alternative images, which brings me to my next question (about your example):
Code: Select all
I think this should be languages/root/theme/prosilver/imageset
/nl/button.png since if it's language specific it shouldn't go in the non-localised (main) imageset folder.
The same question that was asked above for /templates/, do we need a full MOD header for this modx file? Because that's quite a lot of work, and i don't consider it a separate MOD, it's part of the modification as whole. This is more relevant than languages, as it applies to all MODs, since phpBB3 has two templates (styles actually

). Having additional languages in a separate folder makes sense to me, because the only language phpBB3 comes with is english. But for the styles i don't think so. There may be differen't styles for phpBB3-out-of-the-box, but i think that they should be in the /root/ folder, because they were
included with phpBB3. /templates/ makes sense for
additional templates/styles not included with phpBB, if you wish to support them. It's what we guys used to put in the contrib folder (which was fine too :p).
And to add some more discussion to this topic (i hope you don't mind), what do you all think about this "change"? I consider this a change, because i didn't have to package my MODs this way for phpBB2, which were also using MODX (perhaps not "correctly"). I personally find the example structure very confusing. Not only for the MOD authors, but also for the people installing the MODs. They no longer can go through their actions in one go and copy all files from /root/ to root, they have to open up another
another file and copy files from
another folder... it's just very complicated. I personally liked the change to XML very well, because it's easier for computers to read, and it's easier to style, which you did a great job on with prosilver. I've already had a few confused users, who didn't know how to open the MODX file, you explain, they learn, or you tell them to look in /contrib/. But now it's starting to confuse me
Another thing, there's still an unanswered question:
BondGamer wrote:Also, what about ACP template changes?
Those are also template changes, but i guess as there's only one single ACP style, we will be able to include them in the main xml...