MOD Description: phpBB3 Portal is a simple portal for phpBB3 Olympus
MOD Version: 1.2.2b
MOD Download: ... 2.2.tar.gz
SourceForge Project:
Code: Select all
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/canverportal co -P phpbb3-portal
changes log:
- changeover Ice's 1.2.2 versions (see topic)
What is phpBB3 Portal?
phpBB3 Portal is a simple portal for phpBB3 Olympus
phpBB3 Portal a.k.a canverPortal which is a add-on modification on phpBB3 Olympus. It's easy to use and improvable. Portal which is based on phpBB3 Olympus and improved by phpBB Türkiye, with sponsored by Canver Software. XHTML and UTF8 characters sets are used in the files as in the phpBB3 version.
Important Note: phpBB3 Portal a.k.a canverPortal was designed for phpBB3.0 and may not function as stated on other phpBB versions. phpBB3 Portal for phpBB3.0 will not work on phpBB2.0 and vice versa
What is currently in phpBB3 Portal?
phpBB3 Portal is still very basic and will be that way until around version 0.0.6a, the current list of features for version 1.2.2 Beta is as follows (blocks and features).
- Main menu (not dynamic)
- Login / User menu
- News (news forum id configurable via config.php)
- Recent announcment (char limiter features)
- Recent popular topic (char limiter features)
- Recent topic (char limiter features)
- Poll (poll forum id configurable via config.php)
- Welcome (manual edit from templates)
- Search (post search, author search and includes few search engines)
- Make donation
- Latest members
- Random member
- Most poster
- Link us
- Links (manual edit from templates)
- Last x visited bots (adaptation on nedka's mod)
- The team
- Who is online
- Statistics
- Flash clock
- .. More